Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Galax Unleashes GeForce GTX 970 and 980 HOF Graphics Cards

Galax, the company created due to a merger of Galaxy and KFA2, entered the market with a couple of new graphics solutions: the GeForce GTX 970 HOF and the GeForce GTX980 HOF cards. Both greenhorns are intended for enthusiasts longing for the best overclocking potential. Thus, they offer dual BIOS support for safe modification of key parameters and a pair of advanced utilities: Hyper Boost and Voltage Tool.

Galax GeForce GTX 970 HOF and 980 HOF models are powered by Nvidia GM204 GPU (Maxwell generation) with a striking factory overclocking index. Therewith, GTX 970 HOF runs at 1216 MHz (nominal) and 1380 MHz (dynamic) frequencies instead of etalon 1051 MHz/1178 MHz ones. In its turn, GTX 980 HOF operates at 1304 MHz (nominal) and 1418 MHz (dynamic) frequencies instead of reference 1126 MHz/1216 MHz ones. Moreover, the manufacturer swears that this couple is able to overclock up to 1.5 GHz frequency on air cooling and up to 2.1 GHz frequency on liquid cooling.

The GeForce GTX …

Meet New MSI Gaming 27 AIO for Inveterate Gamers

MSI adds new all-in-one PC, entitled Gaming 27, to its product line. Despite being a small-sized solution with a thin frame, the model employs a highly-efficient hardware base that is thought to support the most demanding games. The heart of the system is a 4-core Intel Core i7-6700 CPU combined with the motherboard based on Intel H170 chipset. The core operates at 3.4 GHz frequency but is able to overclock up to 4.0 GHz index. Besides, the new-comer is guided by Windows 10 OS.

MSI Gaming 27 AIO is a 27-inch display with Full HD resolution, anti-glare coating and power-efficient Led backlit. The CPU works side by side with four SO-DIMM DDR4 memory modules-2133 MHz (the maximal capacity – 64 GB). Graphics facilities are entrusted to Nvidia GeForce GTX 980M videocard (8 GB GDDR5), while audio subsystem with the support for Nahimic technology ensures the production of high-quality sounding.

Furthermore, storage subsystem includes a pair of M.2 slots for the installation of …

MSI Adds a Pair of GTX 1070 Quick Silver 8G Graphics Cards to Its Portfolio

It feels as if MSI never stops experimenting with its PC solutions. This time the company decided to tinker with color gamut of the graphics cards. Therewith, it introduced a couple of comic-colored video cards, entitled GeForce GTX 1070 Quick Silver 8G & GeForce GTX 1070 Quick Silver 8G OC. The black-and-gray coating might become a stylish add-on to any gaming rig.

Both video cards are based on Nvidia GP104-200 GPU (16 FinFET, Pascal) with 1920 CUDA, 120 TMUs & 64 ROPs. The models are able to operate in three modes: Silent, Gaming and OC; hence, the core’s clock frequencies depend on the mode. MSI GeForce GTX 1070 Quick Silver 8G operates at 1506/1683 MHz (base/dynamic) in Silent mode; 1518/1708 MHz in Gaming mode and 1531/1721 MHz in OC mode. The accompanying 8 GB of GDDR5 video memory (256-bit) runs equally on any conditions – 8008 MHz.

In its turn, MSI GeForce GTX 1070 Quick Silver 8G OC is able to demonstrate the following performance index: 1506/1683 MHz in …

xDSL Modems, il-lista tal-manifatturi

Fuq din il-paġna tista'ssib il-lista tal-manifatturi xDSL Modems-sewwieqa tista'tniżżel fuq il-websajt tagħna. Għall-aħjar tfittxija għal xierqa mutur barra mill 654963 disponibbli fid-database tagħna, agħżel il-manifattur ta tiegħek xDSL Modems mill 25142 ppreżentati f'din it-taqsima.

DevID : : xDSL Modems

Il-funzjonijiet tal-netwerks tat-telefown fl-aħħar snin kibret b'mod konsiderevoli, prinċipalment minħabba l-teknoloġija speċjali li żżid il-frekwenza ta ' l-abbonat-linja. Dawn it-teknoloġiji jinkludu 'dsl (Diġitali ta'l-abbonat - linja), li tapplika għall-lineari-kodiċijiet u l-istrumenti tal-adattivi tal-korrezzjoni tad-distorsjonijiet tal-linji. Li jgħaqqdu l-linja tat-telefon komuni għall-użu tal-mezzi speċjali (modems) li tinstalla l-sewwieq għat - 'dsl modems'.

Adapters 'dsl maħsuba biex iżżid b'mod sinifikanti l-veloċità tat-trażmissjoni tad-data dwar il-linja u, kuntrarju għall-istandard tal-analogu jew diġitali modems, l-appoġġ vuċi u l-vidjo-sinjali. Dan joħloq vantaġġi kemm għall-aħħar tal-utent u l-fornitur.

Għandu jiġi nnutat li l-ewwel ittra fl-akronimu s – - jissostitwixxi l-nomina ta''l-ewwel karattru l-isem tal-teknoloġija speċifika standard. Illum mifruxa-istandards li ġejjin:

  • ADSL jipprovdi żewġ mod trasferiment tad-data fil-veloċità tal-8.192 MB/s. mill-fornitur li l-utent u sa 768 KB/sek. minn utent lill-fornitur.
  • ADSL G.light toffri żewġ modi biex it-trasferiment tad-dejta: simetriċi u asimmetrika. Fl-ewwel każ, il-teknoloġija tipprovdi l-frekwenza ta'384 KB/sek. fiż-żewġ direzzjonijiet; fit-tieni każ, il-veloċità tat-trażmissjoni mill-fornitur għall-utent huwa 1.536 MB/sek. u minn utent ISP huwa 384 KB/sek. Għall-massimu tal-prestazzjoni, nirrakkomandaw li tniżżel l-sewwieqa għall - 'dsl modems'.
  • IDSL li joperaw l-chip juża l-aċċess bażiku BRI ISDN li jipprovdu-frekwenza sa 128 Kbps.
  • DDSL - verżjoni tal-broadband DSL t-teknoloġija bl-aċċess għal - linja tal - Qafas Relay bil-kapaċità tas-sa 768 KB/sek.
  • SDSL jittrasmetti d-dejta mill-simetriċi-linja. Veloċità tat-trasferiment jistgħu jvarjaw skond il-parametri fiżiċi ta'l-abbonat-linja.
  • HDSL għandu għoli trasferiment tad-dejta tal-veloċità ta ' 1. 5 MB/sek. u l-aktar fiż-żewġ direzzjonijiet.
  • VDSL – ultraveloċi linja diġitali, li jipprovdi fluss fil-livell ta ' 52 MB/sek.

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