Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


D-Link Introduces New Storage Area Network Series DSN-6000

D-Link, a world-known manufacturer of network and telecommunications solutions, has officially introduced its two SAN models which are unified into a single series DSN-6000 iSCSI. The prime destination of this SAN series is to satisfy the needs of small and medium-sized business and to provide effective solutions of any emerging demands. DSN-6000 is characterized by the improved efficiency and performance index, as compared to the previous model lineups, on operation in virtual and physical environment.

The series is represented by two models: DSN-6410 iSCSI and DSN-6110 iSCSI. The both models go with the casing designed in 2U form factor, and is intended to be installed into a typical server frame. The models are equipped with twelve bays for drives and SAS interface. The cumulative volume capacity of the bays approximates to 36 Tb. DSN-6410 iSCSI is furnished with a couple of 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports, while the DSN-6110 iSCSI model accommodates four Gigabit Ethernet ports.

PC Chassis Lian Li PC-V750 Review

The inventory of PC cases and enclosures designed by Lian Li is constantly replenishing with new products. Some of them resemble each other in design or framework, but some stand out from the line due to their non-standard elaboration. Chassis Lian Li PC-V750 can be boldly attributed to non-stock solutions, primarily thanks to unusual internal layout. This model is ready to demonstrate multiple attractive peculiarities, but they’ll be reviewed all in good time.


The first point to be mentioned about PC-V750 design is that it comes in three color variations: Silver (PC-V750A), Black (PC-V750B) and Internal Black (PC-V750WX). The latter is notable by the availability of a transparent acrylic side window, absent with other two models. In total, Lian Li PC-V750 is developed in Full-Tower form-factor, featuring 230x440x586 mm dimensions. It might be truly regarded as classic and laconic because of its rectangular shapes, square corners and relatively modest design. The …

ASRock Announces a New Mini-ITX Motherboard AD2550-ITX

ASRock, a well-known supplier of high-quality PC hardware, tries not to leave chances to its competitors in the development of new products and their delivery to potential customers. Hence, the company has recently announced the release of a new mini-ITX motherboard AD2550-ITX, intended for the incorporation into small-sized systems. As seen from the codename, the model employs dual-core Intel Atom D2550 processor, running at 1.86 GHz. It should be pointed out that AD2550-ITX resembles its predecessor AD2550B-ITX, launched last year, although the new-comer is differentiated by a more qualitative configuration.

The motherboard is based on black PCB that boasts the implementation of solid-state capacitors only. All key functional facilities are ensured by means of Intel NM10 Express chipset. The board houses a pair of 204-contact SO-DIMM slots which support DDR3-1066 MHz memory modules of up to 4 GB overall capacity. A couple of SATA 3 Gb/sec ports (for the connection of drives) …

, il-lista tal-mudelli

Agħżel il-mudell tal tiegħek Wifi devices mill-kumpanija Samsung mill-lista 54321-mudelli ppreżentati fuq din il-paġna. Fl-tagħna bażi tad-dejta ta'aktar minn 654963-sewwieqa li tista'tniżżel assolutament b'xejn.

Wi-Fi t-teknoloġija għall-wireless-trażmissjoni tad-data diġitali skond speċifiċi tar-radju-kanali bil-għan li jipprovdi konnessjoni tan-netwerk għall-Internet b'veloċità għolja. Għall-operat tagħha, din it-teknoloġija tuża l-istandard IEEE 802.11, l-ispeċifikazzjoni tal-li jista'jvarja, skond it-tagħmir li huwa integrat. Biex jiġi stabbilit l-komunikazzjoni bejn il-kompjuter/telefon/pillola u l-netwerk bla fili għandek tniżżel il-sewwieqa għall - Wifi - mezzi.

Dak WiFi - tagħmir użat illum għall-komunikazzjoni bla wajers ma'l-world wide web?

  1. L-internet jew l-internet. Dawn jgħaqqdu l direttament lill-modem u l-netwerk bil-fili minħabba l-kapaċitajiet ta'l-ħardwer "tqassam" l-Internet kollha fil-qrib konnessi ma'l-apparati WiFi l-adapter. Għalhekk, il-sistema jipprovdu l-mobilità, peress li l-utent mhix marbuta mal-post partikolari, u jistgħu jużaw in-netwerk fl-ebda post ieħor fil-medda ta'frekwenzi tar-radju.

  1. Adapters. B'differenza mobbli-il-kompjuters li oriġinarjament kienu mgħammra WiFi l-adapter, id-desktop tal-Kompjuter, dawn l-apparati ma jkollhomx. Naturalment, dawn jistgħu jinxtraw u konnessi mas-sistema permezz ta ' l-informazzjoni disponibbli l-interfaces. Għall-kooperazzjoni stabbli adapters mal-OS-tweġiba għall-sewwieq Wifi - mezzi.

  1. Antenni. Għall-netwerk bla fili fid-dar tal-enerġija antenna mibnija fil-router, normalment huwa biżżejjed. Iżda jekk inti tixtieq li jgħaqqdu lill-utenti tal-Internet fil-kbar l-uffiċċji jew l-kmamar tal-laqgħat mibnija fil-tagħmir ma jkunx biżżejjed. F'każijiet bħal dawn, huwa rakkomandat li tiġi stabbilita Awtonomu-antenna, li se jżidu l-kopertura tal-żona ta'l-netwerk bla fili u tiżgura s-sigurtà tagħha.

  1. L-aċċess il-punt. Dawn il-mezzi użati biex jorganizzaw il-ġdid ta'netwerk bla fili fuq eżistenti. Dawn jistgħu jaħdmu fl-waħda mit-tliet modi: punt ta'aċċess, jirrepetu (jirċievu sinjal dgħajfa mill tiegħek eżistenti tan-netwerk u jgħaddiha lill-ġdid in-netwerk tal-żieda sinifikanti) jew il-pont (jingħaqdu fiżikament remota-elementi tal-netwerk flimkien). Bħal l-internet, l-punti ta'aċċess għall-appoġġ verżjonijiet differenti ta'l-istandards IEEE 802.11(a, b, g), u taħlitiet tagħhom.

  1. Swiċċijiet. Dawn il-mezzi tgħin biex jitħaddem netwerk bla fili WiFi irrispettivament mill-bogħod ta'l-faċilitajiet ppjanati. Swiċċijiet huma tal-żewġ tipi. L-ewwel tip tippermetti l-użu ta'l-applikazzjonijiet madwar l-netwerk, u t-tieni joħloq bażi tad-data tal-unika possibbiltajiet għall-trasferiment tad-dejta.

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