Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


The Launch of New Generation Core i3 is Planned for Early September

The recent launch of Intel's Ivy Bridge processors based on a new microarchitecture has touched upon Core i5 and Core i7 series. Currently, the company is working vigorously on the advancement of its Core i3 series, as well as, Pentium G2100T and G2120 models. The latter will be designed on similar to its 'brethren' architecture. In accordance with the voiced information, the new processors will be released in early September.

The nominal lineup of Core i3 processors will include five models; processors with T index (i3-3220T and i3-3240T) will be characterized by low power consumption (up to 35W) and average frequencies which will fluctuate in the ranges of 2.8-3 GHz. Senior models (i3-3220 and i3-3225) will operate at 3.3 GHz and have TDP index of 55W, while the superior model Core i3-3240 will achieve the frequency index of 3.4 GHz. These models are distinguished by the availability of more efficient integrated HD 4000 graphics type.

Upon the whole, the third …

New Voluminous External SSDs with Thunderbolt Ports from LaCie

Demands of customers towards external SSD solutions are even tougher than towards traditional built-in drives. This is primarily explained by the aesthetic considerations, and secondly, by the space taken by the device. LaCie has recently announced the release of two external SSD models which are differentiated by an extraordinary design. The upcoming drives are codenamed LaCie Little Big Disk Thunderbolt and will be delivered in two capacity variations: 512 GB and 1 TB. Last year the manufacturer introduced a similar model line but with smaller capacity (up to 240 GB) and different interface (SATA II).

New LaCie LittleBig Disk Thunderbolt drives feature SATA III interface and are based on two 2.5-inch SSDs. Those drives might be combined into different RAID configurations (RAID 0, 1). Upon the whole, the models are housed in ultramodern aluminum casing which serves two purposes: aesthetic and practical. Their design can be described as stylish and refined, while the casing …

Dual-Range Wi-Fi Router Netgear WNDR4000 Review

Wireless Wi-Fi modules have become frequenters in home-based and corporate networks. With the augmentation of devices which require Internet connection the need for a solid router goes to the limelight. PCs, laptops, smartphones, tablets, and other devices can nowadays be found in the majority of homes, and only high-quality router is able to solve all network issues. Netgear has recently introduced a dual-range Wi-Fi router, codenamed WNDR4000, that is ready to cope with a bunch of devices. It supports Ethernet gigabit and 750 Mb Wi-Fi N.

Design and Layout

Router Netgear WNDR4000 has got quite attractive design. The casing is black, glossy and void of any sharp edges; the framework is chamfered and all the lines are smooth. The top part of the casing is a bit salient. The clipboard has got a silver padding to highlight the indicators; the latter are not usual round LEDs but more sophisticated items: figures and inscriptions are illuminated to provide for better visual …

, il-lista tal-mudelli

Agħżel il-mudell tal tiegħek Videorecorders mill-kumpanija Geovision Inc. mill-lista 54321-mudelli ppreżentati fuq din il-paġna. Fl-tagħna bażi tad-dejta ta'aktar minn 654963-sewwieqa li tista'tniżżel assolutament b'xejn.

Moderna reġistraturi bil-vidjo huma użati ħafna llum kemm fil-kumpaniji u l-miri individwali. Kameras, monitors, lentijiet, reġistraturi u moderni oħra tagħmir joffri firxa sħiħa ta'servizzi fuq l-organizzazzjoni tal-sorveljanza bil-vidjo lokali u territorjali oġġetti. Għall-implimentazzjoni effettiva ta'l-għanijiet ta'l-oġġetti ta'monitoraġġ huwa meħtieġ li tniżżel is-sewwieqa għall-vidjo-reġistraturi.

Mezzi ta'reġistrazzjoni jistgħu jinstabu fi kważi kull uffiċċju, tax-xiri tal-sala u fil-manifattura, fejn huwa meħtieġ biex jeżerċitaw il-kontroll fuq il-proċess tax-xogħol, il-viżitaturi u l-klijenti. Ħafna drabi s-sorveljanza monitors huma installati fi djar privati biex jimplimenta l-miżuri tas-sigurtà tal-proprjetà. Dak li nistgħu ngħidu dwar il-personali-mezzi tat-trasport hawn, għar-reġistraturi – universali l-attributi ta'sigurtà personali u l-kontroll!

Ta'min jinnota li minbarra l-reġistrazzjoni, il-video-reġistratur, għandhom ħafna oħra bl-istess mod utli-funzjonijiet: il-monitoraġġ, l-arkivjar tad-dejta, l-wiri tal-rekords, remot-aċċess għad-dejta, quick-tfittxija tiegħek mixtieqa-rekords, kif ukoll il-funzjonijiet ta'l-allarm permezz tal-mozzjoni ditekters.

Il-funzjonalità ta ' l-apparat u l-kwalità tal-materjal huwa influwenzat bil-parametri li ġejjin:

  • jintużaw il-komponent tal-bażi;
  • il-prestazzjoni tal-CPU/kontrollur;
  • l-ammont tal-MUNTUN;
  • il-ħażna daqs;
  • ir-rilevanza tal-installati-sewwieqa.

L-aħħar il-parametru huwa ta'importanza partikolari bħala sewwieqa għall-vidjo reġistraturi tittejjeb l-effiċjenza ta'l-sistema. Biex tniżżel kurrenti tas-sewwieq li jiżgura konformità sħiħa tal-installat softwer tal-konness-apparat (PC, laptop, eċċ.) u jippermetti li l-ħin biex jottimizzaw il-sistema għall-kondizzjonijiet ġodda ta'xogħol.

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