Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Low-Profile SilverStone Argon AR06 Cooler Review

Each manufacturer which deals with CPU coolers tries to enrich its portfolio with products of various segments. SilverStone has gone ahead in this aspect, offering as entry-level so top-notch coolers. The AR06, a representative of Argon Series, is a low-profile model targeting entry-level and mainstream PC systems. Why giving preference exactly to this model? Let’s find it out.


SilverStone AR06 features the following specifications:

— type: air cooler with active airflow;

— compatibility with motherboards: Socket Intel LGA115x, Socket AMD FM1, FM2, AM2, AM3;

— cooling performance: 95 W TDP;

— fan specs: dimensions: 92x92x15 mm, voltage – 12 V, rotational speed – 1200-2500 RPM, airflow – 68.3 m3/h, noise level – 20-28.3 dBA, bearing type – rifle, MTBF – 40.000 hours;

— heatsink specs: dimensions: 58x105x92 mm; weight – 263 mm, aluminum fins, 4x copper heatpipes, direct CPU contact;

— power supply: 4-pin connector;

ASUS ProArt 238Q Monitor Review

Laptops, tablets and mobile devices have deeply penetrated into the life of every person due to their versatility, convenience and functionality. It seems that desktops have yielded their positions in the market, but it’s only a visual assumption. Desktops still take a vast niche in the IT market and are the best fit for office needs. That is why, the selection of desktop components is of great importance, especially when we speak about monitors. Professional monitor ProArt 238Q from Asus developers has a huge performance potential and is able to satisfy the needs of individuals who are concerned with efficient accomplishment of any assignment.

Design and Framework

ASUS ProArt 238Q is characterized as professional monitor. This presupposes that its design and framework are not distinguished by excessive gloss, unusual forms or any additional accessories. Quite the contrary, everything here speaks of the class and destination of the monitor: it has a dark square frame …

Akasa Intros a Small-Sized AK-CC1101EP02 CPU Cooler

Following the release of a low-profile cooler, codenamed AK-CC7122EP01, Akasa is glad to introduce one more small-sized item. The AK-CC1101EP02 features 80x80x28.3 mm dimensions and is predestined to be employed as a part of a compact system within mini-ITX/micro-ATX chassis. The model is compatible with AMD FM1/FM2/754/939/AM2(+)/AM3(+) sockets only.

Akasa AK-CC1101EP02 involves an aluminum heatsink with cam-lever clip installation type, a thermal compound on the base, and a 80 mm fan. The latter is based on EBR bearing and equipped with PWM technology that adjusts the rotational speed from the minimal 600 RPM to the maximal 3000 RPM.

Its efficiency achieves 26.53 CFM, producing up to 27 dB noise. The estimated time of fail-proof operation equals to 40.000 hours. The fan is adjoined to the motherboard via a 4-pin connector and receives voltage power via 12VDC bus.

Just for comparison means, the predecessor — AK-CC7122EP01 – features 85.2x87.2x26 mm dimensions. …

Videorecorders, il-lista tal-manifatturi

Fuq din il-paġna tista'ssib il-lista tal-manifatturi Videorecorders-sewwieqa tista'tniżżel fuq il-websajt tagħna. Għall-aħjar tfittxija għal xierqa mutur barra mill 654963 disponibbli fid-database tagħna, agħżel il-manifattur ta tiegħek Videorecorders mill 25142 ppreżentati f'din it-taqsima.

DevID : : Videorecorders

Moderna reġistraturi bil-vidjo huma użati ħafna llum kemm fil-kumpaniji u l-miri individwali. Kameras, monitors, lentijiet, reġistraturi u moderni oħra tagħmir joffri firxa sħiħa ta'servizzi fuq l-organizzazzjoni tal-sorveljanza bil-vidjo lokali u territorjali oġġetti. Għall-implimentazzjoni effettiva ta'l-għanijiet ta'l-oġġetti ta'monitoraġġ huwa meħtieġ li tniżżel is-sewwieqa għall-vidjo-reġistraturi.

Mezzi ta'reġistrazzjoni jistgħu jinstabu fi kważi kull uffiċċju, tax-xiri tal-sala u fil-manifattura, fejn huwa meħtieġ biex jeżerċitaw il-kontroll fuq il-proċess tax-xogħol, il-viżitaturi u l-klijenti. Ħafna drabi s-sorveljanza monitors huma installati fi djar privati biex jimplimenta l-miżuri tas-sigurtà tal-proprjetà. Dak li nistgħu ngħidu dwar il-personali-mezzi tat-trasport hawn, għar-reġistraturi – universali l-attributi ta'sigurtà personali u l-kontroll!

Ta'min jinnota li minbarra l-reġistrazzjoni, il-video-reġistratur, għandhom ħafna oħra bl-istess mod utli-funzjonijiet: il-monitoraġġ, l-arkivjar tad-dejta, l-wiri tal-rekords, remot-aċċess għad-dejta, quick-tfittxija tiegħek mixtieqa-rekords, kif ukoll il-funzjonijiet ta'l-allarm permezz tal-mozzjoni ditekters.

Il-funzjonalità ta ' l-apparat u l-kwalità tal-materjal huwa influwenzat bil-parametri li ġejjin:

  • jintużaw il-komponent tal-bażi;
  • il-prestazzjoni tal-CPU/kontrollur;
  • l-ammont tal-MUNTUN;
  • il-ħażna daqs;
  • ir-rilevanza tal-installati-sewwieqa.

L-aħħar il-parametru huwa ta'importanza partikolari bħala sewwieqa għall-vidjo reġistraturi tittejjeb l-effiċjenza ta'l-sistema. Biex tniżżel kurrenti tas-sewwieq li jiżgura konformità sħiħa tal-installat softwer tal-konness-apparat (PC, laptop, eċċ.) u jippermetti li l-ħin biex jottimizzaw il-sistema għall-kondizzjonijiet ġodda ta'xogħol.


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