Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


PSU Aerocool Templarius Imperator 750 Review

At turn of the previous year Aerocool launched a new series of PSUs, united within a single series Templarius Imperator. The series involves a line of models ranging 550W-1500W power index. A part of those units are known to correspond to 80Plus Silver standards, while the other part – to 80Plus Bronze standards. Model Templarius Imperator 750 complies with 80Plus Silver requirements, due to the claimed efficiency of 88%. This feature implies that this PSU might appear to be helpful in the assembling of quite powerful PC platforms.

Delivery Set and Exterior Design

Aerocool Templarius Imperator is delivered in a white cardbox which inscriptions distinctly make out about the unit’s gaming predestination. Its internal contents involve the unit itself and a set of modular cables. The model is developed in white color design and is housed in a steel case; it features 170x150x85 mm dimensions. Modular sockets are located on the rear facet. The attached label contains basic …

Future Technologies are Right Here with Sharp PN-K321H Monitor

IGZO, an advanced technology employing semiconductors on Indium, Gallium, Zinc, and Oxide basis, is gradually penetrating PC monitors industry. It is called to ensure an ultra-high pixel density and, as a result, — an ultra-high sharpness. For sure, being an innovative approach in the development of monitors, end-products currently cost a pretty penny. Sharp is considered to be a pioneer in this endeavor, vigorously implementing IGZO panel in its latest displays.

Hence, Sharp has officially announced the launch of a new 32-inch monitor based on IGZO array and entitled PN-K321H. It features 35 mm case depth, 16:9 aspect ratio, and quite wide viewing angles. According to the manufacturer, the nominal resolution index is estimated as 3840x2160 pixels. The display is housed on a voluminous stand that enables its rotation at 90 degrees to achieve portrait mode arrangement.

Due to the implementation of IGZO panel with high electron mobility, Sharp has managed to attain the …

SilentiumPC Launches All-Powerful Grandis XE1236 CPU Cooler

SilentiumPC has announced the release of its newest cooling solution – an all-powerful Grandis XE1236 CPU cooler. The model features 130x105x158 mm dimensions and weighs 1160 g. According to the manufacturer, it is able to manage heat on top loading, preserving CPU in sober thermal conditions. The cooler is backed by a 2-year’s warranty and comes at $49.

SilentiumPC Grandis XE1236 consists of a copper base, six U-shape heatpipes (6 mm), a two-section aluminum heatspreader with a polished base, and a pair of fans of 120 mm dimensions. The GF12-25 fans are based on a fluid-dynamic bearing that is set to demonstrate up to 50 thousand hours of fool-proof operation.

To continue, the connection to the motherboard is realized via 4-pin connector. The fans might operate at +12V voltage, accelerating speed from 500 RPM to 1500 RPM due to PWM technology support. On the maximal speed the noise level does not exceed 21 dB. Upon the whole, the blades can produce up to 55 CFM …

Fireware devices, il-lista tal-manifatturi

Fuq din il-paġna tista'ssib il-lista tal-manifatturi Fireware devices-sewwieqa tista'tniżżel fuq il-websajt tagħna. Għall-aħjar tfittxija għal xierqa mutur barra mill 654963 disponibbli fid-database tagħna, agħżel il-manifattur ta tiegħek Fireware devices mill 25142 ppreżentati f'din it-taqsima.

DevID : : Fireware devices

Standard Fireware (IEEE 1394) – metodu tat-trażmissjoni ta'l-informazzjoni f'format diġitali permezz ta'serje ta'veloċità għolja bus. Fl-aktar każi, dan l-istandard huwa użat għall-komunikazzjoni bejn il-kompjuter u l-tagħmir għall-rekord/daqq-vidjo u awdjo.

Tagħha ta'veloċità għolja tal-prestazzjoni Fireware huwa qrib il-prestazzjoni ta'l-ilqugħ tal-USB verżjoni 2. 0, iżda għall-kuntrarju ta'l-aħħar, jippermettilek li jgħaqqdu fl-istess ħin bdwar l -akbar kwantità ta'apparati (sa 60!). Biex tiġi żgurata l-funzjonalità tal kollha konnessi tagħmir għajnuna mutur għall - Fireware - mezzi.

Il-vantaġġi ewlenin ta'l-bus IEEE 1394 jistgħu jiġu attribwiti għall-relattivament baxx-ispiża ta'l-integrazzjoni, pjuttost malajr trasferiment tad-data, u l-konnettività tal-mezzi fil - "jaħraq" l-modalità Plagg-u l-play. Dan il-mod tippermetti li jgħaqqdu/skonnettja-apparat fi kwalunkwe ħin (anki meta jkun hemm skambju tal-informazzjoni) mingħajr biża'ta'telf jew ta'żbalji fid-data. Barra minn hekk, Fireware jipprovdi trasferiment tad-data u l-provvista tal-enerġija permezz tal-kejbil uniku.

Jekk inti konnessjoni tagħmir tal-kompjuter naqsu li jirrikonoxxu li, allura għandek tniżżel il-sewwieqa għall - Fireware - tagħmir, jew jaġġorna l-antikwati. Dan se jeħtieġ dirett l-aċċess għall-Internet.

Normalment dawn l-apparati jiġu mal-separati disk, li fih kollha meħtieġa għall-xogħol effettiv s-sewwieqa. Jekk dan ikun nieqes jew is-softwer ma tissodisfax ir-rekwiżiti tal-OS attwali, mexxi l-aġġornament permezz ta'apparat tal-President.


Popolari sewwieq tal-kategorija Fireware devices