Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Enermax Unleashes PSU Platimax 1350W

Enermax Technology Corp., a leading supplier of power supply units, chassis, and other PC hardware, announces the release of powerful PSU, codenamed Platimax 1350W. This model is primarily targeting enthusiasts and professionals who appreciate reliability and endurance in the 'toughest' conditions. The PSU is destined to manage up to 1350W loading at +12V line, with the peak loading of 1600W.

All potential customers will be drawn by the utmost efficiency that fluctuates within the measures of 89%-94%. Such outstanding characteristics allowed the product to receive general acknowledgement and 80 Plus Platinum certificate. Platimax 1350W model employs good quality capacitors and features removable cable scheme. The manufacturer offers also five-year limited warranty along with PSU.

Platimax 1350W is equipped with ten- and 12-contact sockets for the future graphics cards and CPU generations, as well as, with a dedicated security system protecting the device from emergency …

Fresh AMD Radeon RX Vega Graphics Cards Review


Recently the AMD company hasn’t produced anything of such a high level but cutting edge Radeon R9 Fury X accelerator card as it paid more attention to the middle and low-budget segment. But finally after a long announcing Radeon RX Vega 64 and Radeon RX Vega 56 were officially presented and are being intensively bought.So what are their main characteristics?

Basic Features

No doubt it is a great step forward if to compare with the previous «Polaris 10» and «Fiji» graphic cards. The high-bandwidth cache controller (HBCC) is a serious improvement for using with large asset sizes, but gamers will also appreciate it.Vega RX 56 and 64 have 8 GB of VRAM.Newcomers have the Vega 10 processor in their base. It is a silicon with 64 huge Compute Unit blocks, general potential of 4096 streaming processors and speed memory HBM of the second generation. Vega 10 Processor is grounded on the most progressive version of Graphics Core Next architecture, that of …

Iomega Features Single-Disk Network System EZ Media & Backup Center

Iomega, a renowned manufacturer of networking and external storage hardware, has announced the release of its new single-disk storage network system. Codenamed Iomega EZ Media & Backup Center, this storage system will create a solid base for the advanced management of all available files. Each customer will receive access to photos, video and other files from any computer connected to the home network, and further on, share this content with other customers due to the perfected Iomega Personal Cloud technology.

Iomega Personal Cloud goes along with the storage system and can be used as a security tool. This technology allows the user not only to get remote access to the needed files from every quarter, but also protect all digital content from unauthorized breaches. This is called to ensure that all the operations with the available information (browsing, editing or sharing) is accomplished according to the most updated security measures. The most encouraging news is that the …

xDSL Modems, il-lista tal-manifatturi

Fuq din il-paġna tista'ssib il-lista tal-manifatturi xDSL Modems-sewwieqa tista'tniżżel fuq il-websajt tagħna. Għall-aħjar tfittxija għal xierqa mutur barra mill 654963 disponibbli fid-database tagħna, agħżel il-manifattur ta tiegħek xDSL Modems mill 25142 ppreżentati f'din it-taqsima.

DevID : : xDSL Modems

Il-funzjonijiet tal-netwerks tat-telefown fl-aħħar snin kibret b'mod konsiderevoli, prinċipalment minħabba l-teknoloġija speċjali li żżid il-frekwenza ta ' l-abbonat-linja. Dawn it-teknoloġiji jinkludu 'dsl (Diġitali ta'l-abbonat - linja), li tapplika għall-lineari-kodiċijiet u l-istrumenti tal-adattivi tal-korrezzjoni tad-distorsjonijiet tal-linji. Li jgħaqqdu l-linja tat-telefon komuni għall-użu tal-mezzi speċjali (modems) li tinstalla l-sewwieq għat - 'dsl modems'.

Adapters 'dsl maħsuba biex iżżid b'mod sinifikanti l-veloċità tat-trażmissjoni tad-data dwar il-linja u, kuntrarju għall-istandard tal-analogu jew diġitali modems, l-appoġġ vuċi u l-vidjo-sinjali. Dan joħloq vantaġġi kemm għall-aħħar tal-utent u l-fornitur.

Għandu jiġi nnutat li l-ewwel ittra fl-akronimu s – - jissostitwixxi l-nomina ta''l-ewwel karattru l-isem tal-teknoloġija speċifika standard. Illum mifruxa-istandards li ġejjin:

  • ADSL jipprovdi żewġ mod trasferiment tad-data fil-veloċità tal-8.192 MB/s. mill-fornitur li l-utent u sa 768 KB/sek. minn utent lill-fornitur.
  • ADSL G.light toffri żewġ modi biex it-trasferiment tad-dejta: simetriċi u asimmetrika. Fl-ewwel każ, il-teknoloġija tipprovdi l-frekwenza ta'384 KB/sek. fiż-żewġ direzzjonijiet; fit-tieni każ, il-veloċità tat-trażmissjoni mill-fornitur għall-utent huwa 1.536 MB/sek. u minn utent ISP huwa 384 KB/sek. Għall-massimu tal-prestazzjoni, nirrakkomandaw li tniżżel l-sewwieqa għall - 'dsl modems'.
  • IDSL li joperaw l-chip juża l-aċċess bażiku BRI ISDN li jipprovdu-frekwenza sa 128 Kbps.
  • DDSL - verżjoni tal-broadband DSL t-teknoloġija bl-aċċess għal - linja tal - Qafas Relay bil-kapaċità tas-sa 768 KB/sek.
  • SDSL jittrasmetti d-dejta mill-simetriċi-linja. Veloċità tat-trasferiment jistgħu jvarjaw skond il-parametri fiżiċi ta'l-abbonat-linja.
  • HDSL għandu għoli trasferiment tad-dejta tal-veloċità ta ' 1. 5 MB/sek. u l-aktar fiż-żewġ direzzjonijiet.
  • VDSL – ultraveloċi linja diġitali, li jipprovdi fluss fil-livell ta ' 52 MB/sek.

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