Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Transcend produces memory kits aXeRam DDR3-2400 and DDR3-2133 with 8 GB of memory

The widely represented in the market a series of RAM sets Transcend aXeRam is now added with dual channel kit DDR3 of 8 GB with an effective frequency of 2133 and 2400 MHz. Modules are routinely equipped with aluminum radiators with high «scallops» and support overclocking profiles Intel XMP 1.3, actual for the processors Intel Ivy Bridge.

The package Transcend aXeRam DDR3-2133 2x 4 GB consists of two brackets with a combination of delay of memory 10-11-10-27 and moderate voltage 1.6 V. Overclocking enthusiasts will certainly prefer against it more productive Transcend aXeRam DDR3-2400 for the same amount. Timings have been raised in a given set up to 11-12-11-29, and default voltage — up to 1.65 V.

To increase the stability of the new items, they are made on an 8-layer PCB. Overclocking spirit of the tandem Transcend aXeRam DDR3-2133/2400 emphasizes the possibility of fine tuning by the utility aXeMod. In addition, aXeMod monitors the temperature of the memory.

In …

GeIL Introduces Memory Module Series Evo Leggera

GeIL has lately introduced a new series of memory modules, codenamed Evo Leggera. According to the words of the manufacturers, this series is ready to demonstrate the utmost performance in combination with the low-profile VELOCE radiators which cannot stop the users from installing huge CPU coolers. Evo Leggera represents an optimal solution and improved functionality in one product. The series includes modules of 1333 MHz to 2800 MHz frequencies compiled in two- and four-channel kits.

Evo Leggera is equipped with advanced low-profile heat dispensers 'Leggera' developed with the implementation of Maximum Thermal Conduction and Dissipation technology. This technology ensures efficient cooling activity with the standard module heights. Memory modules Evo Leggera are compatible practically with all newest logics kits, involving Intel Z77 platform. This expands the versatility of the series.

To continue, it should be mentioned that all models in the series have undergone tough …

Computer Case be quiet! Silent Base 600 Overview (Part II)

Internal structure

The motherboard compartment is located above the power supply unit. In this regard, everything is quite standard for a Mid Tower class. A large cutout is made in a tray behind a CPU socket, to allow installation of a CPU cooling system directly into the case; a backplate mount (thrust-pad located on the back side of the motherboard) is used for this purpose.

The four large slots in a tray, equipped with the silicone membrane, are designed for proper cable management which looks very promising here. Plugs of expansion slots are attached by thumbscrews. The front part holds a hard disks’ basket for three drives.

At the back side a slot in a tray can be clearly seen to access cable management system slot. Also, the rear side contains two tool kits for installation of solid-state drives and size 2.5" hard disks.

The side cover is made of 0.7 mm steel, and from the inside has a thick vibration and noise absorbing coating. The recess in the …

USB display adapters, il-lista tal-manifatturi

Fuq din il-paġna tista'ssib il-lista tal-manifatturi USB display adapters-sewwieqa tista'tniżżel fuq il-websajt tagħna. Għall-aħjar tfittxija għal xierqa mutur barra mill 654963 disponibbli fid-database tagħna, agħżel il-manifattur ta tiegħek USB display adapters mill 25142 ppreżentati f'din it-taqsima.

DevID : : USB display adapters

Minkejja l-progress enormi fl-iżvilupp tal-manifatturi tal-PC kullimkien fl-ebda tgħaġġel biex jintegraw l-prodotti tagħhom mal-web tal-kamera. Minħabba ż-żieda popolarità ta'l-internet tal-vidjo-applikazzjonijiet, id-domanda għall-dawn il-mezzi iżid b'mod esponenzjali. Dan huwa minħabba l-portabbiltà, eleganti-disinn u l-universali il-kompatibbiltà mal-żewġ desktop-telefonija ċellulari u kompjuters, grazzi għall-appoġġ tal-interface USB.

Li jinstallaw kamera web fuq kompjuter, anki novizzi-utent. Għal dan il-għan, huwa meħtieġ li jgħaqqdu l-free ta'veloċità għolja tal-port u installa l-sewwieqa għall - USB - video l-apparat. Fil-maġġoranza tal-każijiet, il-manifatturi joffru proprjetarji software; jekk dan ikun nieqes, l-ħtieġa-sewwieqa inti tista'dejjem issib fuq l-Internet.

Fl-ordni li tibda taħdem bil-żagħżagħ (jew oħra tal-vidjo-apparat), l-ewwel ħaġa li l-PC jeħtieġ li jiġi lokalizzat. Biex tiċċekkja jekk il-sistema jara l-ġdida tal-ħardwer, fit-taqsima "Scanners u l-kameras" fil-menu prinċipali. Hekk kif is-sistema jiskopri l-apparat, tiftaħ tieqa jirrikjedi l-installazzjoni tas-sistema operattiva kompatibbli is-sewwieqa. Wara l-installazzjoni, fuq l-iskrin jidher speċjali l-utilità, li se tniedi l-kamera.

Jekk il-web-Doċċa (oħra tagħmir tal-vidjo) installati/mibnija, iżda l-kompjuter ma'dan, jista ' jkollok bżonn biex taġġorna l-software u tniżżel l-sewwieq għat - USB - video l-apparat. Huwa min jikkunsidra li xi kultant wara l-aġġornament għandek bżonn terġa kkonfigurat l-issettjar tal-immaġni tal - (biex jaġġusta l-reqqa, il-kulur ir-riproduzzjoni, eċċ.), peress li l-sistema jreġġa kollha preċedenti tiegħek.


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