Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


NAS TS-219P II from QNAP Review

The choice of NAS for home use is frequently accompanied by the dilemma: the necessity to acquire a high-end device with multifunctional facilities at reasonable price. As usual, quality and good performance cost pretty penny, especially when it comes about innovative technologies; however, there are some NAS designers which provide their products at moderate cost but do not save on quality. Thus, QNAP company has released its new NAS solution TS-219P II designated as for home so for small business use. This model isn’t notable for outstanding design or ergonomics but offers efficient solution of any dedicated home assignments due to wide functional capabilities and good performance.


1. External design. QNAP TS-219P II goes in standard design with typical casing peculiarities. All internal components are fixed on a solid metallic framework, while the external casing is made of dull plastic. The faceplate is equipped with a plastic wafer which contains five …

ECS Liva Q- Computer with the Size of a Mouse


Elitegroup Computer Systems company has introduced tiny little computer LIVA Q which allow you to put it to your palm easily, one even can call it “a pocket computer”. It weighs only 260 g. A miniature mini PC with 0.15 l is also equipped with a VESA holder, ideal for those who work in a confined space, and is ideal for those who want to replace their cumbersome HTPC, and enjoy 4K quality multimedia entertainment at home.



In addition to an external power supply, the package includes a quick setup guide and a VESA mounting.

The design is quite simple, the black matte surface is decorated with the logo of the series.

At the top of the back panel you can see a great number of holes for ventilation.


On the sides Elitegroup used black lacquered covering. On the right panel you can see the opening of the Kensington lock to protect against theft, the opposite panel is occupied by a slot of microSD memory cards. Since the …

They Did It! Official Release of AMD Radeon HD 7990 ‘Malta’

Much rumored reference graphics adapter from AMD has been recently officially introduced. As it was suggested before, Radeon HD 7990, codenamed ‘Malta’, employs two Tahiti XT2 GPUs, each of which contains 128 TMUs, 32 rasterization blocks (ROPs), and 2048 current processors (GCN architecture). Smooth work of both graphics cores is synchronized by means of PLX PEX8747 controller that supports 48 lines of PCI Express 3.0. Nominal clock frequencies ascribed to GPUs operation equal to 950 MHz, but Turbo mode enables the increase of frequencies up to 1000 MHz.

Video memory is represented by GDDR5 memory modules, the overall capacity of which equals to 6 GB (3 GB per each graphics core). Memory modules utilize 384-bit bus and run at 6000 MHz frequency with bandwidth of 288 Gb/sec per core. The incorporated PCB accommodates a single CrossFireX socket for the creation of various graphics configurations, including Quad-CrossFireX. Video interface panel boasts the availability of …

Storage devices, il-lista tal-manifatturi

Fuq din il-paġna tista'ssib il-lista tal-manifatturi Storage devices-sewwieqa tista'tniżżel fuq il-websajt tagħna. Għall-aħjar tfittxija għal xierqa mutur barra mill 654963 disponibbli fid-database tagħna, agħżel il-manifattur ta tiegħek Storage devices mill 25142 ppreżentati f'din it-taqsima.

DevID : : Storage devices

Il-komponenti tal-kompjuter qed jinbidlu kontinwament, iż-żieda sodisfazzjon tal-klijent billi joffru l-titjib tad-disinn u msaħħa l-kapaċitajiet. Dak li nistgħu ngħidu dwar il-ħżin tal-apparat, l-Armament li kull sena hija aġġornata bl-uniku prodotti ġodda!

Biex jissostitwixxi bil-mod u baxx-kapaċità tal-diski manjetiċi daħal illum għolja b'veloċità li tista'taħżen ammont kbir ta'dejta. Dawn huma kollha f'relazzjoni diretta mal-kompjuter, li jgħinu biex installa s-sewwieqa għall-ħżin tal-apparat.

L-aktar tipi komuni ta ' dejta tal-imħażen huma:

  • iebes issuq (LG). Għalkemm LG gradwalment mbuttat tas-suq aktar soluzzjonijiet innovattivi, dawn jibqgħu pjaċir kbir il-volum u l-relattivament mgħaġġla tal-veloċità tal-aqra/jikteb id-data. Sabiex jiġu sodisfatti ħtiġijiet dejjem akbar tal-utenti, xi manifatturi jipproduċu l-mudelli ma sa 3TB tal-ħażna!
  • stat solidu issuq (dettalji minuri). Ħafna HUWAl-esperti jsostnu li l - dettalji minuri li jissostitwixxu diffiċli tiegħek. Huma joffru estremament għolja dejta tal-veloċità tat-trasferiment, bis-saħħa ta'veloċità għolja tal-interface SATA II (3 GB/sec)/SATA III (6 GB/sec), u l-ħażna, l-ammont li jistgħu jammontaw għal mijiet ta'€;
  • USB flash-sewqan. Dawn il-żgħar tal-ħażna mezzi jippermettu li inti sforz kopja u jimxu id-dejta mill-PC wieħed għall-ieħor. Għall-ħidma tiegħu "flash" ma jeħtieġu l-ebda konnessjoni il-kejbils, l-ebda speċjali software, l-ebda indipendenti tal-provvista tal-enerġija. Vantaġġi ewlenin tagħhom huma kompatt, l-portabbiltà, attraenti-disinn, il-veloċità għolja tal-trasferiment tal-informazzjoni u d-disponibbiltà;
  • tan-netwerk tal-ħżin (NAS, DAS, SAN). L-NAS huwa kapaċi jissodisfaw il-ħżin ma wieħed iżda kompjuters multipli konnessi fuq tan-netwerk lokali. Biex jgħaqqdu l-netwerk u l-iskambju tad-dejta bejn il-magni, huwa rakkomandat li tniżżel l-sewwieqa għall-ħżin tal-apparat ta'tip partikolari. Fis-sistema, il-NAS l-atti bħala fajl tal-server jipprovdu aċċess għall-informazzjoni għal partikolari il-Protokoll.

Popolari sewwieq tal-kategorija Storage devices