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Coñecido dispositivo: 165022367

O último coñecido piloto: 23.12.2020


Cooler Master MasterAir MA410P and MA610P – Review of Cooling Sturdies


The assortment of processor cooling systems from Cooler Master has been replenished with models MasterAir MA610P RGB and MA410P RGB, made in the form of traditional cooling towers. Both coolers use the technology of direct contact of heat pipes with the CPU cover, and their differences are in the design of the radiator and the number of supplied fans.

Do you often see cooling devices which can boast both of classy design and high-quality performance? In the majority the producers pay more attention to one of the foresaid features.

Newcomers use RGB – lightning that is usually go with four-pin RGB-capable motherboards to provide quiet operation while allowing a variety of 16.7 million colors and no softaware is needed. The company declared the compatibility with ASUS AURA Sync, GIGABYTE RGB Fusion and MSI Mystic Light Sync systems.

Here you can see the specifications of more powerful model MA610P RGB:

Dimensions (HxWxD) - 6.5 x 5 x 2.4"

Base …

FSP has developed Hydro PTM Series 80 Plus Platinum Power Supplies

FSP is ready to intrоduce their new Hydro PTM power supply sеries to the world. You have a choice among 3 diffеrent pоwer output оptions (550W, 650W and 750W). The Hydro PTM series uses Japanese industriаl-grade elеctrolytic capacitors. The sеries comes with rіbbon cаbles. The units are also equіppеd wіth a 135mm Fluid Dynаmic Bearing (FDB) fan. Becausе of the 80 Plus Plаtinum efficiеncy, thе Hydro PTM sеries prоvides a grеat enеrgy cоnversіon rate at 92%. A +12V single rail оutput dеsign allows limіtless add-on customizаtion options. The most advаnced vеrsion, whіch is 750W mоdel, comes with twо sets of 4+4 pin connесtors.

The sеries is not only tеchnоlogicаlly pоwеrful, but also well-designеd. It hаs a brushed pаnel with a mаtte blаck finіsh. There are also 3 side stіckers with mаtched design in blue, red and green. The all black ribbоn cables are flеxible and strong enоugh to be routed in any dirеctions. So, you can fix …

Overview of the Gigabyte GA-AB350-Gaming 3 Motherboard

At the announcement stage of new auxiliary components, AMD specialists emphasized the full readiness for overclocking the motherboards based on the B350 middle bridge, and not only for the top solution – X370. Its main simplification is the refusal to support NVIDIA SLI, that is, sixteen PCI-E processor lines cannot be divided equally. Also, the number of supported devices with SATA and USB interfaces is reduced.

In the field of the processor power regulator there is a decent radiator, a thorough approach to designing the device also allows to fully understand the possibilities of such products. At the same time, there are no additional controllers here, so this fact inevitably affects the price.

A distinctive feature of the gaming boards is the increased attention to the sound and network subsystems, as well as to backlighting. Given not the highest rank of the product, the audio codec here is not equipped with an auxiliary op-amp, and the cFosSpeed utility is the bonus …

Biometric devices Validity Sensors, Inc., lista de modelos

Seleccione o modelo dos seus Biometric devices de empresa de Validity Sensors, Inc. da lista 54321 modelos presentados nesta páxina. Na nosa base de datos de máis de 654963 condutores que se pode descargar absolutamente libre.

Crecente interese en biométricos dispositivos é xeralmente asociada coa intensificación da ameaza global sistemas informáticos e de sistemas de seguridade en Xeral. Cales son estes dispositivos e cales son os seus beneficios?

Biométricos dispositivos – parte do sistema de protección, seguimento e control de acceso para PCs, escáneres, óptica escrita e outros dispositivos. Cada un destes dispositivos é tratar ou con estática parámetros da persoa (pegadas, man xeometría, infravermellos patrón da cara) ou dinámico parámetros (voz, caligrafía). Para o desempeño das súas partes compoñentes teñen condutor para biométricos dispositivos.

A base de todos os biométricos dispositivos de detección de elementos, sensores de presión, micrófonos, termokamera escrita dispositivos - que son hardware sistema baseado núcleo. Última deseñado para ler e converter os parámetros biométricos en forma dixital, o que simplifica aínda máis a decodificación dos datos.

De biometría a tecnoloxía é cada vez máis usado para protexer os sistemas de ordenador. Eles permiten que para completamente garantir o emprego, grazas a unha especial escáner que identificeret usuarios de impresión dixital, permitindo o acceso aos datos, especificando os dereitos de cada usuario, etc. para Definir os parámetros de biometría, para restrinxir e para ampliar os permisos de acceso para a prerrogativa como administradores de sistema (por exemplo, nun ambiente corporativo) e os usuarios individuais (oficina na casa).

Debido ao rápido desenvolvemento da identificación tecnoloxías, en consecuencia, hai máis de programas destinados a hackers PC. Para evitar o acceso non autorizado a datos, ten que baixar os controladores para biométricos dispositivos. Por suposto, a regular actualización de controladores paquete permite non só para mellorar as características de seguridade, pero tamén para optimizar o sistema como un todo.

Popular condutor categoría Biometric devices Validity Sensors, Inc.