Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


SilverStone Unveils Raven RVX01 Enthusiast-Oriented Chassis

SilverStone Technology is about to release its newest PC case that supplemented an outstanding Raven Series. Targeting advanced PC builders & enthusiasts, the Raven RVX01 features 500x215x485 mm dimensions and differs by an offbeat all-black chassis design with the employment of high-quality Japanese steel and plastic. The customers will be able to choose the modification with blind side panels and with a windowed side panel (acrylic glass). Pricing is set at $92 and $100 correspondingly.

SilverStone Raven RVX01 offers a nontrivial localization of all components. For instance, it presupposes the installation of the motherboard (mini-ITX, micro-ATX, ATX) in quadrature. Therewith, graphics cards and PSU are located in the top section of the chassis, while all the drives found their places in the bottom section. Such layout is called to optimize airflow.

The model is ready to welcome graphics cards of 348 mm in length, CPU coolers of 162 mm in height, ATX-compatible power …

WD Prepares Voluminous Re+ HDDs for Data Centers

Western Digital announces a new high-capacity 3.5-inch HDD for data centers. The WD Re+ will be available in versions of up to 6 TB. All of them are designed with power-saving ideas in mind; hence, their maximal power consumption index does not go above 6 W. The new-comer employs five-platter architecture and SATA 6 Gb/sec interface that guarantees the maximal efficiency level. Moreover, its MTBF index approximates 1.2 million hours on average workload index of 550 TB per year.

The WD Re+ is distinguished by the following advantages:

— the incorporation of dual actuator positioning system that improves the drive’s working efficiency;

— the implementation of RAFF technology that monitors HDD parameters in real time and compensates for the linear and angular vibration;

— the employment of StableTrac technology that reduces vibrations and stabilizes drive platters;

— the usage of TLER technology that prevents latencies or an abrupt destruction of RAID … …

The Manli GeForce GTX 1080 Ti with Blower Fan Card Is Coming Soon

Manli Technology has released an accelerator with a long name – Manli GeForce GTX 1080 Ti with Blower Fan. The M-NGTX1080TI/5RIHPPP specialty is based on the Nvidia PCB with a 7+2 phase power supply.

The cooler fundamental part and radiator fins are manufactured out of aluminium. The heatsink is divided into two sections (for a GPU and a power system); a blower fan is in between. The cooling element cover design resembles ocean waves. In the whole, the cooling system occupies two expansion slots, regarding the 282 х 126 х 42 mm dimensions of the card.

The device features 1,480–1,582 MHz frequency rate for a core and 11,010 MHz for the GDDR5X memory chip (the bus width is 352 bits).An HDMI and three DisplayPort ports serve for the image output. 6- and 8-pin PCI-E Power connectors ensure auxiliary power.

The Manli GeForce GTX 1080 Ti graphics card will be on sale soon at the $700 tentative price.
Aħna ma tistax issib-sewwieq

pci/ven-1131dev-7133-subs ys-48571043-rev-d1/3-2411egfe-0-48

fil tiegħu database tas-sewwieqa.

Kienu inti jippruvaw isibu-sewwieq pci/ven-1131dev-7133-subsys-48571043-rev-d1/3-2411egfe-0-48 iżda fittex ma tingħata l-riżultat mixtieq? Ma disperazzjoni, dan jista'jseħħ għal diversi raġunijiet. Biex isolvu l-kwistjoni, tipprova twettaq il-passi li ġejjin:

  1. Iċċekkja l-ortografija ta'l-apparat tal-IDENTITÀ.
  2. Jippruvaw jibdlu mistoqsija tfittxija tiegħek jew fittex mill-apparat tal-isem (neħħi l-SUBSYS u REV-valuri).
  3. Niżżel DevID Aġent awtomatiċi tax-xandir.

Inti tista'wkoll titlob għall-għajnuna biex isibu-sewwieq pci/ven-1131dev-7133-subsys-48571043-rev-d1/3-2411egfe-0-48 fil-grupp tagħna fl-netwerk soċjali VKontakte.

Jekk l-passi msemmija hawn fuq ma jgħinu fit-tfittxija għall-meħtieġ tas-sewwieq, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana bl-e-mail u aħna se jikkunsidra t-talba Tiegħek bla dewmien.

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