Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


BenQ GW2470H: PC Monitor Both for Home & Office Use

BenQ has introduced a new multifunction monitor, targeting both home and corporate users. The GW2470H is a 23-inch solution, based on AMVA+ panel with the integrated LED backlit. It supports Full HD resolution (1920x1080) and its dynamic contrast ratio makes up 20M :1 (3000:1 – static ratio). The maximal brightness equals to 250 cd/m2, while the response time in GtG environment was reduced to 4 ms. Moreover, the display boasts the maximal viewing angles – 178 degrees in both aspects.

BenQ GW2470H comes equipped with two HDMI ports one D-Sub port (video interfaces) as well as one 3.5-mm mini-jack for headphones. The model is housed on a multi-adjustable stand that allows changing the height and tilt alignments.

However, the display is distinguished by its eye-care technologies. It features Flicker-Free technology that eliminates flickering on all brightness levels. In addition, the new-comer supports Low Blue Light option that reduces the ratio of blue light on the …

Stylish CPU Cooler Ice Hammer IH-4800 Review

Cooling solutions under Ice Hammer brand enter the market not so frequently as wished it to be. Still, the company manages to gladden all potential customers with high-quality products. This time, in close cooperation with Thermalright, it launched IH-4800 CPU cooler that is a modified version of True Spirit 140 model. Yet, what kind of options are going to attract the audience? Let’s find it out.

Heatsink and Fan Framework

The employed by the IH-4800 heatsink features 155x55x170 mm dimensions. It is a typical single-section tower, accompanied by six U-shape heatpipes. The pipes did not get nickel-plated coating, so they have a highly polished copper design. The heatsink embraces fifty aluminum ribs with 2 mm distance from each other.

The ribs are connected with the pipes by means of a dedicated neck finish with a thorough soldering. Six lower ribs do not have contact with two heatpipes, since the latter got a strongly pronounced curve at the output. The heatsink …

The Launch of the Fastest SSD for Mac OS from Promise

Promise Technology finally starts the sales of its new SSD model announced this summer. This solid-state drive has been entitled Pegasus J2 and developed specifically for ultra compact PCs based on Mac OS platform. Indeed, traditional PC casings provide for the installation of additional winchesters with extension purposes in mind; in case of laptops and ultrabooks, winchesters are of no use, so SSDs are the only way to dramatically extend the facilities. Promise designed its Pegasus J2 exactly with this consideration in mind.

The integration of Thunderbolt interface is supposed to be the most beneficial characteristic of Pegasus J2. This promotes for high speed operations and more efficient data processing. This model is delivered in two variations: 256GB and 512GB which currently cost approximately $800 and $1500 correspondingly. Compact dimensions of both models make them easily transportable and are a perfect match for MacBook Pro/Air devices.

According to the claimed …
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