Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Philips Launches 258B6QUEB QHD Monitor with Type-C Port

As part of the Philips Monitors brand, MMD has introduced 258B6QUEB QHD monitor – the first solution in the lineup to support USB 3.1 Type-C interface. This port allows for transferring data and charging external devices (simultaneously) via a single cable. This simplifies the interaction between the display and mobile devices. Along with an advanced Type-C, the model features a set of traditional ports: 3x USB 3.0, VGA, DVI, HDMI, and DisplayPort 1.2.

Philips 258B6QUEB QHD is based on a 25-inch IPS panel, supporting 2560x1440 resolution. It boasts premium color rendering, aspect ratio of 16:9, the widest viewing angles (178/178), standard static contrast of 1000:1, and the top brightness on 350 cd/m2. The panel is fitted with a power-efficient WLED backlight. Besides, the display supports 16.7 million colors.

The new-comer accommodates a couple of 2-watt speakers and 100 mm VESA bracket for wall mounting. The integrated SmartErgoBase enables tilting, pivoting, and …

Cooler Master to Continue Its Series of Heatsinks with Vapor Chambers

Cooler Master has lately introduced its new lineup of coolers with the implementation of vapor chambers technology (TPC 812 series). However, the company's plans are not limited to this series only, and the upcoming release of V4 GT series is the most convincing proof of it. The new series will be based on horizontal vapor chamber technology and intended at the colling down of high-end graphics cards.

In accordance with the manufacturer's undertakings and plans, the implementation of this technology will provide for the octuple improvement of heat dispersion as compared with the solid copper-contact sink. This approach towards the processor's colling down enables the involvement of more heat pipes. Nevertheless, V4 GT model will be equipped with only four heat pipes.

Vapor chamber technology stipulates efficient removal of heat from the processor and other integral components. At the same time, it averts the creation of hot spots and promotes for the even distribution of …

Apacer Announces SAFD 25A for Cloud Computing Purposes

The sphere of cloud computing is gradually gaining in pace. In this light, this industry feels the need for the qualitative and advanced performance, as well as, enlarged capacities. Apacer is the one to understand the current tendencies by announcing the future release of SSD series specifically for cloud computing purposes. Its new SAFD 25A are promised to demonstrate both, high-end performance and capacity. The product's primary destination can be identified as an efficient tool to be employed in servers and cloud-based computing.

SAFD 25A is characterized by high performance IOPs (up to 50000 IOPs) and enlarged storage volume capacity up to 512 GB. Such specifications witness of the undeniable benefits given to customers in terms of data storage, editing and sharing. SAFD 25A can boast such outstanding features as anti-vibration and anti-shock which promote for the SSD durability. In addition, this series will be distinguished by low power consumption index that can't but …
Aħna ma tistax issib-sewwieq

USB\VID_13D3&PID_5101&MI_ 00

fil tiegħu database tas-sewwieqa.

Kienu inti jippruvaw isibu-sewwieq USB\VID_13D3&PID_5101&MI_00 iżda fittex ma tingħata l-riżultat mixtieq? Ma disperazzjoni, dan jista'jseħħ għal diversi raġunijiet. Biex isolvu l-kwistjoni, tipprova twettaq il-passi li ġejjin:

  1. Iċċekkja l-ortografija ta'l-apparat tal-IDENTITÀ.
  2. Jippruvaw jibdlu mistoqsija tfittxija tiegħek jew fittex mill-apparat tal-isem (neħħi l-SUBSYS u REV-valuri).
  3. Niżżel DevID Aġent awtomatiċi tax-xandir.

Inti tista'wkoll titlob għall-għajnuna biex isibu-sewwieq USB\VID_13D3&PID_5101&MI_00 fil-grupp tagħna fl-netwerk soċjali VKontakte.

Jekk l-passi msemmija hawn fuq ma jgħinu fit-tfittxija għall-meħtieġ tas-sewwieq, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana bl-e-mail u aħna se jikkunsidra t-talba Tiegħek bla dewmien.

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