Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


WD to Release 6 TB Purple HDD

WD Purple, a much talked-of series of hard drives, has been replenished with a new 6 TB model. Similar to its comrades, this HDD is intended for CCTV systems. The new-comer is developed in 3.5-inch form-factor and equipped with 64 MB cache. This provides for the simultaneous interaction with 32 high-definition cameras in 24/7 operational mode.

WD Purple 6 TB is thought to support the following vital technologies:

— Advanced Format Technology (AFT) allows increasing data density on writing.

— AllFrame – if used jointly with data streaming commands via ATA bus, this technology allows eliminating the possibility of omitting the frames, due to the implementation of a unique cache management algorithm. It also supports micro-programs which help in preventing pixelization and undesirable pauses in video recording.

— IntelliSeek helps in defining the most optimal search speed, depending on the current loading. It also reduces power consumption, noise level and …

Noctua NF-S12A: High-End Fans for Customers with No Financial Constraints

Fans from Noctua have been enjoying great popularity among customers with no financial constraints for a long time already. Austrian manufacturer gets used to offer only qualitative and exclusive products, ensuring the maximal operational effect. Its new fan models, combined under a single codename NF-S12A, are a bright evidence of quality and performance. The series has been elaborated with each and every detail in consideration, thus the price tag is corresponding: $22.

Noctua NF-S12A series belongs to the third generation of PC chassis fans. Developed in 120 mm dimensions, the series is introduced by three models: ULN 600/800 RPM, PWM 300-1200 RPM, and FLX 700/900/1200 RPM. All three fans employ a self-stabilizing oil bearing SSO2 as the basis. Its assumed time of foolproof work is estimated as 150 thousand hours.

Their framework is distinguished by a 7-blade impeller with 'drops' on vanes; these drops are called to prevent the fans' cessation on slow operation. The …

Телефон Vertu

Те, кто думает, что телефон не может быть элитным украшением или изысканным гаджетом, точно ошибаются. Бренд VERTU вызывает уважение у многих пользователей. Такие телефоны являются не просто обычными телефонами. Каждая из деталей этого телефона выполнена руками отличных мастеров. Телефоны VERTU сделаны из качественного, прочного и дорогого материала и представляют собой элитные телефоны.

Все модели телефонов VERTU собраны вручную, точно также, как делается при производстве швейцарских часов. То, что они сделаны ручной сборкой доказывает их …
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