Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


CORSAIR Releases the Fastest VENGEANCE SODIMM DDR4 Modules Set for Compact Systems

The CORSAIR company releases the fastest set of SO-DIMM modules ever – CORSAIR VENGEANCE SODIMM DDR4 4,000MHz 32GB (CMSX32GX4M4X4000C19), the total capacity of which is 32 GB. It includes four sections of 8 GB each, being built on the base of top-grade Samsung B-die chips and featuring the effective frequency of 4,000 MHz at the 1.35 V operating voltage. The tested latency looks like 19-23-23-45. As in the case with most similar solutions, the device supports Intel XMP 2.0 overclock profiles.


Moreover, the CORSAIR VENGEANCE SODIMM DDR4 4,000MHz 32GB (CMSX32GX4M4X4000C19) kit maximum rating claimed is reached through the XMP 2.0 profile activation, so the user doesn’t have to take great efforts. A motherboard and a processor are to be compatible with such a mode. Considering that SO-DIMM modules are intended mostly for compact systems, they possess no heatsinks in their structure: chips are protected by a sticker.


The specialty obtained the …

Welcome in MSI GTX 970 Gaming 4G Golden Edition Video Card

MSI has finally gladdened its gaming fans with a new ‘golden’ graphics card, entitled GTX 970 Gaming 4G Golden Edition. The model is based on Nvidia’s GM204-200-A1 GPU (Maxwell architecture) with 1644 CUDA cores, 104 TMUs, 64 ROPs, and 13 SMM units. Connection with visual devices might be realized via dual DVI ports, a single HDMI, and one DisplayPort.

Thanks to the support of MSI Gaming App, users are free to select one of the working modes: Silent, Gaming or OC. Each of them is differentiated by nominal and dynamic clock frequencies, Hereby, in Silent mode this adapter runs at 1051 MHz/1178 MHz (nominal/dynamic); Gaming mode provides for 1140 MHz/1279 MHz frequency, while OC allows increasing both indices up to 1165 MHz/1317 MHz correspondingly.

The integrated GPU cooperates with 4 GB of GDDR5 memory (256-bit interface, 224 Gb/sec throughput index). Its nominal clock frequency makes up 1751 MHZ, but its efficient index rises up to 7010 MHz.

MSI GTX 970 Gaming …

Basic Innovations of MySQL 5.6 Version

MySQL system gained the reputation as the most efficient and speedy tool in managing databases long time ago. This system enables the creation and management of huge quantity of data which are supported by the multilevel and multipurpose charts. Oracle Company (the owner of MySQL) is making great strides in the development and improvement of new version of the system.

Several days ago Oracle introduced the new working MySQL 5.6 version of the system which is still in the development stage. No one dares to assume about the exact date of the final version release, but it’s definitely clear that Oracle will not delay the launch. The working version of MySQL 5.6 is replenished with the variety of new integrated options which make the system more effective and user-friendly.

Nowadays there are a lot of companies that employ MySQL as their core tool in creating and supporting of middle-size and large-size projects. Facebook, Flickr, and Twitter utilize the very system in their …

Videocodecs, il-lista tal-manifatturi

Fuq din il-paġna tista'ssib il-lista tal-manifatturi Videocodecs-sewwieqa tista'tniżżel fuq il-websajt tagħna. Għall-aħjar tfittxija għal xierqa mutur barra mill 654963 disponibbli fid-database tagħna, agħżel il-manifattur ta tiegħek Videocodecs mill 25142 ppreżentati f'din it-taqsima.

DevID : : Videocodecs

Il-vidjo-codec hija waħda ta'dawk il-programmi li juri l-awto-interess kull PC utent meta għandek bżonn biex tara xi video. Żgur li mill-inqas darba beda jinkwieta fuq kif l - "forza" l-attur li jkollha l-klipp jew film, jekk l-iskrin jitfa'żball. Huwa sempliċi ħafna: biss tniżżel il-sewwieqa għall-vidjo-apparat!

Dak huwa l-video codec? Dan huwa ż-żgħar tal-programm-l-algoritmu li tikkodifika (kompressi) u decodes (jilgħab lura minn kompressata-istat) fajls tal-vidjo għall-aktar galbu multimedjali-atturi. Normalment il-fajls multimedjali huma kbar ħafna, li jagħmilha impossibbli għall-ħażna tagħhom, it-trasferiment u daqq mingħajr l-ebda speċjali l-ipproċessar. Dan l-ipproċessar mwettqa mużika "l-ippakkjar" materjal għad-daqs meħtieġ.

Meta reġistrazzjoni video, per eżempju, fuq il-kamera, il-fajls li huma kkodifikati. Sabiex dan il-video li jimxu fuq il-PC, huwa meħtieġ li din; jiġifieri, l-apparat installati fuq il-kompjuter għandhom jirrikonoxxu l-video, jikkonvertu kompressata fajls li nixxiegħa u jilagħbu lura fil-format mixtieq fuq il-player.

Dekodifikazzjoni tal-kontenut hija wkoll meħtieġa għall-trasferiment tal-fajls fuq in-netwerk. Video jnaqqas il-ħsejjes il-daqs tal-fajl oriġinali (il-video, il-film), filwaqt li tinżamm l-immaġni eċċellenti ta'kwalità.

Immaġina kemm spazju għall-ħażna PC se tieħu żewġ siegħa film-format Sħiħa HD mingħajr kodifikazzjoni u kemm l-ħin tkun meħtieġa għall-player li jkollhom għal tali enormi fajl? Tniżżil l-sewwieqa għall-vidjo-fajls, inti biss tiddeċiedi din il-ħaġa!


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