Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


MSI B75IA-E33 - cost-effective Mini-ITX board for processors Ivy Bridge

In early August, it was mentioned about the fact that MSI developer of motherboards is preparing to release three new products in the form factor Mini-ITX on chipsets A85, B75, and Z77. As it turned out, the first low-cost board will be MSI B75IA-E33 — it will start selling in Europe at the end of this week at prices ranging from € 95.

The functionality of this product is limited with respect to the other two models; however, a set of components in B75IA-E33 is very decent. LGA1155 processor socket is energized by three phases (provides additional power to the ATX12V 4-pin), hidden under a small cooler chipset Intel B75. Available one connector PCI Express 3.0 x16, two slots for memory modules DDR3-1066/1333/1600 total up to 16 GB, SATA port 6Gb / s and SATA 3 Gbit / s (3 units) to connect storage devices.

A pair of USB 3.0 on the rear panel are completed with a 19-pin connector on the PCB, through which on the front panel I / O can be taken two SuperSpeed USB. The …

Preliminary specifications and release date of GeForce GTX 6500

On August 16 it is planned to release one of the first mainstream cards Nvidia family Kepler — GeForce GTX 660 Ti. Different sources are still disagree considering its characteristics. It is known that it will be based on the graphic chip GK104 and have a more modest power system than the GTX 670. Crippled in its capability GPU GK104 will form the basis for GeForce GTX 660 and, probably, GTX 650 Ti. Boards of mainstream class and below will use the processor GK107.

Actually, GK107 is already present in the market as part of the line of video cards GeForce GT 640, but it limits the potential by slower memory DDR3. Release of modifications GT 640 with GDDR5 chips on board, according to foreign analytics is just a matter of time.

It is believed that the GeForce GT 640 GDDR5 will receive commercial name GeForce GTX 650. This assumption is not without logic, because it will be easier for Nvidia to sell large quantities of video cards (notice how long the Santa Clara did not …

Asus Launches Overclocking-Oriented TUF Sabertooth 990FX R3.0 Mainboard

Despite the fact that Socket AM3+ platform is on its last legs, Asus still dares developing an advanced motherboard, designed for AMD FX processors. That is how TUF Sabertooth 990FX R3.0 board made appearance. The ATX model is built on the binder of AMD 990FX + SB950 bridges as well as a 8+2-phase Asus Digi+ VRM system. The PCB boasts the implementation of top-tier TUF Components hardware base.

Asus TUF Sabertooth 990FX R3.0 is furnished with a voluminous heatsink on key elements; it ensures stable operation even on overclocking. Functionality of the motherboard is realized thanks to M.2 Socket 3 slot with the bandwidth rate of 20 Gb/sec. There are three PCI-e x 16 ports for the connection of graphics cards and other expansion cards; there are also two PCI-e 2.0 x 1 slots & a single PCI-e 2.0 x16 slot.

The model features Realtek ALC1150 audio controller (+ 5x audio connectors) as well as gigabit Ethernet Intel I211 controller. The connection of peripherals is ensured via …

USB display adapters, il-lista tal-manifatturi

Fuq din il-paġna tista'ssib il-lista tal-manifatturi USB display adapters-sewwieqa tista'tniżżel fuq il-websajt tagħna. Għall-aħjar tfittxija għal xierqa mutur barra mill 654963 disponibbli fid-database tagħna, agħżel il-manifattur ta tiegħek USB display adapters mill 25142 ppreżentati f'din it-taqsima.

DevID : : USB display adapters

Minkejja l-progress enormi fl-iżvilupp tal-manifatturi tal-PC kullimkien fl-ebda tgħaġġel biex jintegraw l-prodotti tagħhom mal-web tal-kamera. Minħabba ż-żieda popolarità ta'l-internet tal-vidjo-applikazzjonijiet, id-domanda għall-dawn il-mezzi iżid b'mod esponenzjali. Dan huwa minħabba l-portabbiltà, eleganti-disinn u l-universali il-kompatibbiltà mal-żewġ desktop-telefonija ċellulari u kompjuters, grazzi għall-appoġġ tal-interface USB.

Li jinstallaw kamera web fuq kompjuter, anki novizzi-utent. Għal dan il-għan, huwa meħtieġ li jgħaqqdu l-free ta'veloċità għolja tal-port u installa l-sewwieqa għall - USB - video l-apparat. Fil-maġġoranza tal-każijiet, il-manifatturi joffru proprjetarji software; jekk dan ikun nieqes, l-ħtieġa-sewwieqa inti tista'dejjem issib fuq l-Internet.

Fl-ordni li tibda taħdem bil-żagħżagħ (jew oħra tal-vidjo-apparat), l-ewwel ħaġa li l-PC jeħtieġ li jiġi lokalizzat. Biex tiċċekkja jekk il-sistema jara l-ġdida tal-ħardwer, fit-taqsima "Scanners u l-kameras" fil-menu prinċipali. Hekk kif is-sistema jiskopri l-apparat, tiftaħ tieqa jirrikjedi l-installazzjoni tas-sistema operattiva kompatibbli is-sewwieqa. Wara l-installazzjoni, fuq l-iskrin jidher speċjali l-utilità, li se tniedi l-kamera.

Jekk il-web-Doċċa (oħra tagħmir tal-vidjo) installati/mibnija, iżda l-kompjuter ma'dan, jista ' jkollok bżonn biex taġġorna l-software u tniżżel l-sewwieq għat - USB - video l-apparat. Huwa min jikkunsidra li xi kultant wara l-aġġornament għandek bżonn terġa kkonfigurat l-issettjar tal-immaġni tal - (biex jaġġusta l-reqqa, il-kulur ir-riproduzzjoni, eċċ.), peress li l-sistema jreġġa kollha preċedenti tiegħek.


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