Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Solid-Based Deepcool Pangu Case Review

For a good while Deepcool has been known as a manufacturer of cooling solutions only. Nonetheless, the rising competition and the enlarging number of multi-segment companies, which specialize in several markets simultaneously, prompted Deepcool to expand its production line. It was well worth the effort. The lineup of PC cases is nowadays full of offers for customers with diverse tastes. Pangu, one of the latest company’s elaborations, is an evidence of many years’ experience and a touch of epoch’s needs. Its primary attraction is a solid-based chassis; still there are some other peculiarities worth of investigating.

Key Features

Deepcool Pangu case features the following specifications:

— form-factor, dimensions: midi-tower, 477x205x501 mm;

— chassis: steel + ABS plastic, black/white coating versions;

— supported motherboards: ATX, micro-ATX, mini-ITX;

— drive slots: 2x external 5.25-inch, 1x internal 5.25-inch, 6x internal 2.3/2.5-inch;

— …

Oval CPU Cooler Xigmatek Colosseum SM128164 Review

Rivalry in the CPU cooling market is rather tough nowadays. Each and every manufacturer tries to exceed its competitors by elaborating high-performance and durable coolers. Some companies pay attention primarily to efficiency, while the others try to draw potential audience by an unusual design. Xigmatek, a renowned manufacturer in this segment, has been introducing qualitative and original solutions for many years. Its Colosseum SM128164 is a vindication of the assumptions that unusual in design coolers can be efficient. Let’s have a look at it.

Design and Framework

The Xigmatek Colosseum SM128164 at the first sight looks as an ordinary cooler of a rectangular form with the height of 157 mm. It consists of a heatsink block, a fan, a mirror-like base, and five heat pipes. The central pipe is larger than the other four: its diameter equals to 8 mm, whereas the side pipes feature 6 mm diameter. Nonetheless, if turning the cooler sideways, it becomes vivid that the item is a …

FSP Intros ‘Noiseless’ PSU Model Aurum Xilenser 500

FSP, a renowned developer and supplier of power supply units, introduces a new product that is widely recognized as ‘noiseless’ PSU. Codenamed FSP Aurum Xilenser 500 (AU-500FLD), it employs a passive cooling system instead of an air cooler, thus its dump operation is easily explainable. The unit also characterizes by a startling efficiency which provided for the acceptance of 80+ Gold certificate.

Aurum Xilenser 500 takes similar to Aurum Pro/CM models design with a totally black casing and a comb-like top grid enclosed in a golden stripe. The model is able to operate at the nominal 500W power and support the latest ATX12V/EPS12V standards. It should be noted that this unit utilizes a standard framework with all power connectors soldered on the printed circuit board. A set of connectors involves five SATA connectors, a single 4-contact FDD, four 4-contact Molex, and a pair of 6+2-contact PCI Express connectors. Naturally, it contains two main 24-contact and 4+4-contact …

, il-lista tal-mudelli

Agħżel il-mudell tal tiegħek Network services & protocols mill-kumpanija WS mill-lista 54321-mudelli ppreżentati fuq din il-paġna. Fl-tagħna bażi tad-dejta ta'aktar minn 654963-sewwieqa li tista'tniżżel assolutament b'xejn.

L-interazzjoni tal-kompjuters fil-LAN u l-konnessjoni mal-Internet ma kienx ikun possibbli mingħajr speċjali tan-netwerk tas-servizzi. Dawn is-servizzi jipprovdu-iskambju tad-dejta bejn il-magni, jipprovdi aċċess mill-bogħod għat-tagħmir u l-fajls li jinsabu fuq kull PC fuq il-netwerk, u jippermetti li jwettaq diversi online l-operazzjonijiet (eż., jibgħat l-emails, l-organizzazzjoni tal-vidjo, eċċ.). Biex jinħoloq netwerk bħal dan, inti l-ewwel jeħtieġ li tniżżel l-sewwieqa għall-netwerk tas-servizzi u l-protokolli.

Biex tuża l-karatteristiċi kollha (servizzi) ipprovduti minn netwerk ta'servizz fuq il-PC huwa rakkomandat li jinstallaw l-servizz tal-klijenti. Għall-istess is-servizz jista'jkun hemm diversi klijenti li huma differenti fil-funzjonalità u l-interface. Meta inti aċċess għall-server ma'kwalunkwe talba tal-klijent juża l-Protokoll speċifiku (ir-regola għall-server-servizz).

Għall-implimentazzjoni tal-Protokoll responsabbli mill-apparat speċjali – l-internet. Il-kompitu ewlieni tagħhom huwa li jgħaqqad l-separati tan-netwerks fi wieħed kompost netwerk li jipprovdi aċċess kondiviż għad-dejta. Trasferiment tad-data l-router juża waħda minn diversi rotot (sekwenza li għandhom jgħaddu l-data tal-pakkett dwar il-passaġġ minn min jibgħat l-destinazzjoni node). Router li jiddetermina l-aħjar mod, filwaqt li jqis dawn il-kriterji bħala l-ħin ta ' passaġġ tal-rotta u l-kwalità tal-konnessjoni.

Is-servizzi eżistenti kollha huma implimentati fl-żewġ modi: in-netwerk tas-sistema operattiva (il-fajl tas-servizz u l-istampar ta'servizz) u l-sistema applikazzjonijiet/għodod (databases, faks). Kkonfigurat kull servizz individwali huwa soltu li l-użu l-muturi għat-netwerk tas-servizzi u l-protokolli.

Barra minn hekk, hemm servizzi individwali, iżda mhux għall-utent regolari u amministraturi tas-sistema. Dawn jintużaw biex torganizza x-xogħol fil-netwerk lokali kollha, kif ukoll għall-monitoraġġ tas-sistema, in-netwerk tat-traffiku tal-analiżi, l-amministrazzjoni tal-utent tal-kontijiet u l-operazzjonijiet l-oħra, b'mod partikolari.

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