Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Thermaltake Readies Armor A30i and A30i Speedy Edition PC Cases

Thermaltake gets ready for the release of two new PC cases, codenamed Armor A30i and Armor A30i Speedy Edition. Both models feature 266x291x456 mm dimensions and boast an original modular framework, known as Bulletproof Armor Design. The cases are housed in a stylish enclosure with a small transparent window on the side panel, ventilation grids on the frontal and top facets. Their prime target is gamers, as well as enthusiasts and LAN Party devotees, who prefer small-sized PC systems.

Thermaltake A30i and its modified version are known to support motherboards of mini-ITX and micro-ATX standard, graphics cards of up to 350 mm in length, and CPU cooler of up to 90 mm in height. Internal layout is ready to offer four expansion slots, a couple of 5.25-inch drive bays (external), one 3.5-inch drive bay (external), a pair of internal 2.5-inch bays and analogous number of internal 3.5-inch bays. The frontal I/O panel consists of two standard audio slots and a couple of USB 3.0 ports. … …



There are three types of PSU: standard, partially modular and modular. Conventional power supplies are those to which most users are accustomed, such models have a large bundle of wiring tightened inside the case.There is no possibility of increasing the length of the cables, replacing them in the occasion of damage, or simply dismantling unnecessary lines. The second type is these ones to which our experimental, partially modular systems belong. There comes out a limited number of wires, and as a rule, the other cables are connected using connectors on the case. And the third option is when all the wiring are completely disconnected from the case. Modular system allows you to get rid of problems with extra wiring, taking up a lot of space inside the case and worsening air circulation. Usually such models cost a little more.

Packaging and Design

AeroCool KCAS-650M 650W is arrived in a dark package, on the front part there is a logo of the 80 PLUS Bronze …

Review of Headphones AKG K451

Traditional headphones do not lose their topicality even with the development of high technologies and with the emergence of ever newer gadgets. This fact can be easily explained by their comfort in usage and portability. Headphones are designated for usage in home conditions as well as outdoors or in transport. This accessory is usually bantam, and can be, with certainty, attributed to the class of universal devices. Headphones AKG K451 may be connected practically with any device, starting from MP3 stereo, audio system, and finishing with PC, laptop or iPad.

Basic Features of AKG K451

Headphones AKG K451 are accredited to the class of wired accessories with the bandwidth from 11 to 29000 Hz. Heightened susceptibility of headphones, which reaches up to 126 dB/mW, is considered to be quite an attractive peculiarity. Such susceptibility means that the sounding will be played back with the optimal legibility and volume even if the volume button at the device is set for …

Modems, il-lista tal-manifatturi

Fuq din il-paġna tista'ssib il-lista tal-manifatturi Modems-sewwieqa tista'tniżżel fuq il-websajt tagħna. Għall-aħjar tfittxija għal xierqa mutur barra mill 654963 disponibbli fid-database tagħna, agħżel il-manifattur ta tiegħek Modems mill 25142 ppreżentati f'din it-taqsima.

DevID : : Modems

Biex jgħaqqdu l-PC li l-Internet huwa impossibbli li jimplimentaw direttament, mingħajr assistent modem. Modem (modulatur-demodulator) huwa apparat speċjali li tikkonverti l-sinjal tal-linji tal-fornitur li l-data diġitali rikonoxxuti mill-kompjuter. Biex jiġu stabbiliti l-allarm, bejn l-netwerk fuq l-internet u l-Biċċa tal-lum jużaw il-kanali differenti (il-linji, cable-TV, il-linji tat-telefon jew bażi ta'l-istazzjonijiet ta'l-operaturi tal-mobile) u speċjali l-muturi għat-modem.

Moderna modems huma rappreżentati minn firxa wiesgħa ta'mudelli varji-disinn, il-prinċipju operazzjoni u l-konnessjoni tat-tip.

F'termini ta'disinn, dawn il-mezzi huma maqsuma interni u esterni. Il-mudell intern jgħaqqad direttament lill-għoli fil-xieraq PCIislott u ma tagħhom stess provvista tal-enerġija. Dawn huma ma prestazzjoni għolja u ma jippermettux li viżwalment-kontroll tal - settings.

Il-mezz estern liebes tagħha stess tal-ġisem, u jkollhom l-provvista tal-enerġija. Dawn jgħaqqdu l-kompjuter permezz COM jew USB - portijiet u jippermettu li viżwalment-kontroll tal - jissieħbu-kundizzjonijiet, grazzi għall-led l-attività.

Fir-rigward tal-prinċipju tal-modems, dawn huma maqsuma ħardwer, fejn l-operazzjonijiet kollha ta'sinjal konverżjoni mwettqa mill-modem, u software, fejn din il-funzjoni huwa responsabbli mill-proċessur Ċentrali tas-sistema tal-KOMPJUTER. Biex jiżguraw l-istabbiltà tal-konverżjoni ta'dħul/ħruġ sinjal huwa biss niżżel bla ħlas sewwieqa għall-modems.

Fl-aħħarnett, bħala parti mill-konnessjoni, il-modems jistgħu jinqasmu ħames tipi: kejbil, analogu, ċellulari, tar-radju u l - ADSL. L-apparat ta ' l-ewwel tip li jgħaqqdu l-Internet bl-użu tat-televiżjoni jew assjali tal-kejbil, il-mezzi tat-tieni tip tat-telefon tal-kejbil, it-tip III – protokolli tal-komunikazzjoni ċellulari GPRS/TARF. Inqarrbu l-radju-modem titwettaq permezz ta'sinjali tar-radju, u l-soppa tal - ADSL tuża l-network tat-telefon fil-privat l-firxa.


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