Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


One-Slot XFX RX 460 2 GB Core Edition OC and XFX RX 460 4 GB Core Edition OC Graphics Cards

Last week the HIS company was the first to introduce a one-slot AMD Radeon RX460 series graphics card, motivating other manufacturers to design parallel solutions. Thus, XFX announced the release of a pair of such video accelerators – XFX RX 460 2 GB Core Edition OC and XFX RX 460 4 GB Core Edition OC – which differ only in the VRAM capacity (2 and 4 GB respectively).

Both novelties are based on the AMD Polaris 11 graphics processor and support 896 streaming processors, 56 TMU as well as 16 ROP. The base GPU clock matches the benchmark of 1,090 MHz, and the dynamic frequency has increased from 1,200 to 1,220 MHz. The effective video RAM rate equals 7,000 MHz.

A compact cooler is designed to chill down internal components. Its construction contains a moderate-size heat sink and an axial flow fan. The front-end interface features the following ports: DVI, HDMI and DisplayPort.

The price of XFX RX 460 2 GB Core Edition OC and XFX RX 460 4 GB Core Edition OC models has …

SilverStone Comes Out with Precision PS12 Chassis

The lineup of tower cases developed by SilverStone has been replenished by a new price-efficient solution, entitled Precision PS12. The model features 405x360x170 mm dimensions and is ready to accommodate small-sized motherboards (mini-ITX, micro-ATX) as well as four expansion cards. The chassis is made of high-quality plastic, supplemented by a fine-meshed metallic grid on the front panel.

Inside, there is a single rack for the installation of optical drives; it’s estimated for two 5.25-inch units. There is also space for 4x 3.5-inch drives and 1x 2.5-inch drive. Hence, there is little space for graphics adapters, the length of which should not exceed 358 mm. The layout is intended for 140-mm high CPU coolers & standard ATX PS/2 power supply units.

SilverStone Precision PS12 is shipped with a single preinstalled 120-mm fan (front panel). Additionally, it’s possible to include one 80-mm fan (front panel) and one 80-/92-mm fan (rear panel). Pricing is set at $45.

PSU Thermaltake Toughpower Grand 700W Review

Toughpower Grand series is one of the foreground PSU lines in the production gamma of Thermaltake. The series is replenishing with ever newer models from time to time, offering more advanced facilities and more efficient power. Model Toughpower Grand TPG-700M is one of the latest power supply units from this manufacturer. Its is characterized by the availability of 80Plus Platinum certificate and the employment of high-quality capacitors that ensure its stability of operation. Upon the whole, TPG-700M might be called a worthy follower of Toughpower series.

Specifications and User Experience

Thermaltake Toughpower Grand 700W is notable by a quite wide temperature condition range which fluctuates within the measures of 0 up to 50 degrees. The power on +12VDC rail is estimated at 696W (58A). The correlation of power on this rail with the total power makes up 0.994; this is a sample index for such type of units. All other basic specifications of the model are indicated on the …

xDSL Modems, il-lista tal-manifatturi

Fuq din il-paġna tista'ssib il-lista tal-manifatturi xDSL Modems-sewwieqa tista'tniżżel fuq il-websajt tagħna. Għall-aħjar tfittxija għal xierqa mutur barra mill 654963 disponibbli fid-database tagħna, agħżel il-manifattur ta tiegħek xDSL Modems mill 25142 ppreżentati f'din it-taqsima.

DevID : : xDSL Modems

Il-funzjonijiet tal-netwerks tat-telefown fl-aħħar snin kibret b'mod konsiderevoli, prinċipalment minħabba l-teknoloġija speċjali li żżid il-frekwenza ta ' l-abbonat-linja. Dawn it-teknoloġiji jinkludu 'dsl (Diġitali ta'l-abbonat - linja), li tapplika għall-lineari-kodiċijiet u l-istrumenti tal-adattivi tal-korrezzjoni tad-distorsjonijiet tal-linji. Li jgħaqqdu l-linja tat-telefon komuni għall-użu tal-mezzi speċjali (modems) li tinstalla l-sewwieq għat - 'dsl modems'.

Adapters 'dsl maħsuba biex iżżid b'mod sinifikanti l-veloċità tat-trażmissjoni tad-data dwar il-linja u, kuntrarju għall-istandard tal-analogu jew diġitali modems, l-appoġġ vuċi u l-vidjo-sinjali. Dan joħloq vantaġġi kemm għall-aħħar tal-utent u l-fornitur.

Għandu jiġi nnutat li l-ewwel ittra fl-akronimu s – - jissostitwixxi l-nomina ta''l-ewwel karattru l-isem tal-teknoloġija speċifika standard. Illum mifruxa-istandards li ġejjin:

  • ADSL jipprovdi żewġ mod trasferiment tad-data fil-veloċità tal-8.192 MB/s. mill-fornitur li l-utent u sa 768 KB/sek. minn utent lill-fornitur.
  • ADSL G.light toffri żewġ modi biex it-trasferiment tad-dejta: simetriċi u asimmetrika. Fl-ewwel każ, il-teknoloġija tipprovdi l-frekwenza ta'384 KB/sek. fiż-żewġ direzzjonijiet; fit-tieni każ, il-veloċità tat-trażmissjoni mill-fornitur għall-utent huwa 1.536 MB/sek. u minn utent ISP huwa 384 KB/sek. Għall-massimu tal-prestazzjoni, nirrakkomandaw li tniżżel l-sewwieqa għall - 'dsl modems'.
  • IDSL li joperaw l-chip juża l-aċċess bażiku BRI ISDN li jipprovdu-frekwenza sa 128 Kbps.
  • DDSL - verżjoni tal-broadband DSL t-teknoloġija bl-aċċess għal - linja tal - Qafas Relay bil-kapaċità tas-sa 768 KB/sek.
  • SDSL jittrasmetti d-dejta mill-simetriċi-linja. Veloċità tat-trasferiment jistgħu jvarjaw skond il-parametri fiżiċi ta'l-abbonat-linja.
  • HDSL għandu għoli trasferiment tad-dejta tal-veloċità ta ' 1. 5 MB/sek. u l-aktar fiż-żewġ direzzjonijiet.
  • VDSL – ultraveloċi linja diġitali, li jipprovdi fluss fil-livell ta ' 52 MB/sek.

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