Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


The Swiftech Apogee SKF-TR4 Water Unit Has an Enlarged Cooling Engine for Better Performance

The Swiftech company presented a new revolutionary water unit of the Apogee SKF series. It’s called Apogee SKF-TR4 and is designed for AMD Ryzen Threadripper processors.

The specialty features an innovative cooling engine (its surface area is enlarged by 30%) and customisation adjustments that are able to satisfy all users’ needs. This water unit is produced out of copper. In the place of base-processor contact the water block’s inner surface is covered with pinholes, extending the heat exchange space. Besides, in-and-out openings are located in front of active crystals in the multichip Threadripper module.

The waterblock mountings fit only system boards with the TR4 (SP3r2) CPU connectors. The novelty supports the Addressable RGB Iris tech and is provided with the Swiftech Iris-Eco controller. Two strips of RGB LEDs allow Apogee SKF comply with any colour scheme.

Apogee SKF-TR4 will hit the market at the end of October 2017. It will cost approximately $108.

AOC Introduces Monitor e2752Vq from Professional Series

AOC has highlighted its new monitor-masterpiece, codenamed e2752Vq. The model belongs to Professional series and boasts a number of different interfaces. This makes this monitor a universal means as for corporate purposes, so for home use. The model has got 27 inch display and power-saving LED which makes it a beneficial and desirable acquirement.

AOC e2752Vq is designed with Full HD resolution that equals to 1920x1080. It is equipped with LED lighting and video outputs, such as HDMI, DisplayPort, D-Sub, DVI-D. The availability of the integrated USB hub allows the user to employ the monitor in various configurations. Moreover, the integration of the product provides for the connection of several devices simultaneously (laptop, video camera, flash-drive, digital camera, etc.).

To continue, this model is capable to manage any office, multimedia or gaming applications due to the outstanding technical peculiarities. Thus, the monitor has got 1200:1 contrast level and …

AeroCool Showcases a Pair of Strike X Xtreme Gaming Chassis

AeroCool has replenished its line of gaming PC chassis with two new models, codenamed Strike X Xtreme Black Edition and Strike X Xtreme White Edition. Both cases are distinguished by an enhanced framework reliability and a sophisticated cooling system. Plus, an upgraded functionality allows for the creation of various powerful system configurations.

AeroCool Strike X Xtreme chassis are developed in mid-tower form-factor and are housed in solid steel cases (SECC) with voluminous ventilation grids. Internal layout is sufficient for the installation of ATX or micro-ATX motherboards, graphics cards of up to 293 mm in length, and CPU tower-like coolers of up to 172 mm in height. In addition, internal framework stipulates the integration of seven PCI-cards, four 5.25-inch devices (all with an output to the frontal facet), and of six 3.5-inch drives. The nominal delivery kit also contains a dedicated adapter for the installation of 2.5-inch SSD devices.

Both cases are ready to …

Storage devices, il-lista tal-manifatturi

Fuq din il-paġna tista'ssib il-lista tal-manifatturi Storage devices-sewwieqa tista'tniżżel fuq il-websajt tagħna. Għall-aħjar tfittxija għal xierqa mutur barra mill 654963 disponibbli fid-database tagħna, agħżel il-manifattur ta tiegħek Storage devices mill 25142 ppreżentati f'din it-taqsima.

DevID : : Storage devices

Il-komponenti tal-kompjuter qed jinbidlu kontinwament, iż-żieda sodisfazzjon tal-klijent billi joffru l-titjib tad-disinn u msaħħa l-kapaċitajiet. Dak li nistgħu ngħidu dwar il-ħżin tal-apparat, l-Armament li kull sena hija aġġornata bl-uniku prodotti ġodda!

Biex jissostitwixxi bil-mod u baxx-kapaċità tal-diski manjetiċi daħal illum għolja b'veloċità li tista'taħżen ammont kbir ta'dejta. Dawn huma kollha f'relazzjoni diretta mal-kompjuter, li jgħinu biex installa s-sewwieqa għall-ħżin tal-apparat.

L-aktar tipi komuni ta ' dejta tal-imħażen huma:

  • iebes issuq (LG). Għalkemm LG gradwalment mbuttat tas-suq aktar soluzzjonijiet innovattivi, dawn jibqgħu pjaċir kbir il-volum u l-relattivament mgħaġġla tal-veloċità tal-aqra/jikteb id-data. Sabiex jiġu sodisfatti ħtiġijiet dejjem akbar tal-utenti, xi manifatturi jipproduċu l-mudelli ma sa 3TB tal-ħażna!
  • stat solidu issuq (dettalji minuri). Ħafna HUWAl-esperti jsostnu li l - dettalji minuri li jissostitwixxu diffiċli tiegħek. Huma joffru estremament għolja dejta tal-veloċità tat-trasferiment, bis-saħħa ta'veloċità għolja tal-interface SATA II (3 GB/sec)/SATA III (6 GB/sec), u l-ħażna, l-ammont li jistgħu jammontaw għal mijiet ta'€;
  • USB flash-sewqan. Dawn il-żgħar tal-ħażna mezzi jippermettu li inti sforz kopja u jimxu id-dejta mill-PC wieħed għall-ieħor. Għall-ħidma tiegħu "flash" ma jeħtieġu l-ebda konnessjoni il-kejbils, l-ebda speċjali software, l-ebda indipendenti tal-provvista tal-enerġija. Vantaġġi ewlenin tagħhom huma kompatt, l-portabbiltà, attraenti-disinn, il-veloċità għolja tal-trasferiment tal-informazzjoni u d-disponibbiltà;
  • tan-netwerk tal-ħżin (NAS, DAS, SAN). L-NAS huwa kapaċi jissodisfaw il-ħżin ma wieħed iżda kompjuters multipli konnessi fuq tan-netwerk lokali. Biex jgħaqqdu l-netwerk u l-iskambju tad-dejta bejn il-magni, huwa rakkomandat li tniżżel l-sewwieqa għall-ħżin tal-apparat ta'tip partikolari. Fis-sistema, il-NAS l-atti bħala fajl tal-server jipprovdu aċċess għall-informazzjoni għal partikolari il-Protokoll.

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