Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


ASUS ROG Swift XG258Q Is a Superfast Full HD Gaming Monitor Featuring the 1 ms Response Time

ASUS broadens the range of ROG gaming devices with its latest Swift XG258Q monitor, which obtained the 24.5-inch TN matrix and the 1920 × 1080 pixels resolution.

This Full HD screen features the following key specs: the ultra-fast 1 ms response time (gray to gray), 240 Hz refresh rate, 400 cd/m2 brightness, 1000:1 contrast ratio, 170 (horizontally) and 160 (vertically) viewing angles.

Due to the adaptive AMD FreeSync technology applied, the specialty from ASUS offers a dynamic refresh rate. The ASUS-peculiar GamePlus hotkey provides best possible gameplay. Ultra-low blue light filters protect customers’ eyes. Multi-coloured ASUS Aura RGB lighting should also be brought into focus. Thin bezels allow utilizing the panel in multi-view configurations.

The set of ports includes HDMI 2.0, DisplayPort and HDMI 1.4. The ergonomically constructed stand ensures various tilt, swivel or height options. Thus, the landscape orientation can be easily changed to the portrait one.
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MSI introduced a tandem of graphics adapters GeForce GTX 680 Twin Frozr with 4 GB memory

The Taiwanese company MSI has released a new video card N680GTX Twin Frozr 4GB, built on the basis of the reference PCB GeForce GTX 680 with double buffer memory GDDR5 and cooling system Twin Frozr III. The accelerator is available in standard and OC versions: one operates at frequencies of 1006 (1058) / 6008 MHz core (GPU Boost), and RAM chips, respectively, the second — in 1058 (1124) / 6008 MHz.

Preset cooler consists of five nickel-plated copper heatpipes, copper base, a solid array of aluminum fins and two 80-mm fans designed with blades Propeller Blade. The board is placed on two expansion slots (38.75 mm in height) and supports graphics ligament-4Way SLI. The additional power is supplied by two connectors PCI-E Power 6-pin. A set of standard video outputs: DVI-I, DVI-D, full-size HDMI and DisplayPort.

Recall, that a series of adapters GeForce GTX 680 use the chip Kepler GK104 in version of 1536 stream processors and 256-bit memory bus. Standard RAM type GDDR5 — 2 …

Welcome Specialties by PowerColor – AXRX 580 4GBD5-3DHDV2/OC and AXRX 580 8GBD5-3DHDV2/OC Graphics Cards

PowerColor continues to broaden its video cards range and releases two novelties of the Radeon RX 580 line – Red Dragon V2 OC of the 4 and 8 GB memory capacity. Codenames of these devices are AXRX 580 4GBD5-3DHDV2/OC and AXRX 580 8GBD5-3DHDV2/OC.

Frequency rates of 4 GB and 8 GB Radeon RX 580 Red Dragon V2 OC differ. The sample with 4 GB GDDR5 features the 1,350/1,750 (7,000) MHz (core/memory) values, and the model with 8 GB buffer VRAM operates at 1,350/2,000 (8,000) MHz. The factory core clock equals to 10 MHz, however, practically the difference may be greater owing to dynamic overclocking technology peculiarities of the PowerColor cards and the reference Radeon RX 580 sample. The manufacturer has not overclocked memory chipsets.

The Red Dragon V2 OC cooling system is designed with at least one copper nickel-plated heat pipe, an aluminium plates array and two 80 mm fans. PowerColor AXRX 580 4GBD5-3DHDV2/OC and AXRX 580 8GBD5-3DHDV2/OC are approximately 25 cm long and …

Biometric devices, il-lista tal-manifatturi

Fuq din il-paġna tista'ssib il-lista tal-manifatturi Biometric devices-sewwieqa tista'tniżżel fuq il-websajt tagħna. Għall-aħjar tfittxija għal xierqa mutur barra mill 654963 disponibbli fid-database tagħna, agħżel il-manifattur ta tiegħek Biometric devices mill 25142 ppreżentati f'din it-taqsima.

DevID : : Biometric devices

Interess dejjem jikber fil-bijometriċi-mezzi huwa ġeneralment assoċjat ma 'l-intensifikazzjoni ta' l-theddida globali sistemi tal-kompjuter u s-sistemi tas-sigurtà Ġenerali. Liema huma dawn il-mezzi u x'inhuma l-benefiċċji?

Tagħmir bijometriku – parti tas-sistema tal-protezzjoni, il-monitoraġġ u l-kontroll tal-aċċess għall-Kompjuters, scanners, ottiċi-miktub u l-mezzi l-oħra. Kull wieħed minn dawn l-istrumenti huwa li jittrattaw jew il-statiku-parametri tal-persuna (marki tas-swaba', il-ġeometrija tal-naħa, infra-aħmar tal-mudell tal-wiċċ) jew il-parametri dinamiċi (vuċi, l-kitba bl-idejn). Għat-twettiq tal-partijiet komponenti tagħhom għandhom mutur għall-bijometriċi l-apparat.

Il-bażi tal-bijometriċi-mezzi huma elementi sensittivi, pressjoni sensuri, mikrofoni, termokamera-miktub apparat li huma bbażati fuq il-hardware-sistema tal-għadma. - Aħħar maħsuba biex jaqraw u jikkonvertu l-bijometriċi-parametri f'forma diġitali, li aktar tissimplifika l-dekodifikazzjoni tad-dejta.

Tal-bijometriċi teknoloġija issa huwa dejjem aktar wżati biex jipproteġu l-sistemi tal-kompjuter. Dawn jippermettu li inti kompletament sigur l-impjieg, grazzi għal speċjali scanner li identificeret-utenti tal-marki tas-swaba', li jippermettu l-aċċess għad-dejta, li jispeċifika d-drittijiet ta'kull utent, eċċ. biex jiġu Stabbiliti l-parametri tal-bijometriċi, biex jirrestrinġu u li jwessgħu l-aċċess l-permessi għall-prerogattiva bħala-sistema tal-amministraturi (per eżempju, fil-korporattiva l-ambjent) u l-utenti individwali (l-uffiċċju tad-dar).

Minħabba l-iżvilupp rapidu tat-teknoloġija tal-identifikazzjoni, għaldaqstant m'hemm l-aktar programmi mmirati lejn mqaħqħa PC. Għall-prevenzjoni mhux awtorizzat l-aċċess għad-dejta, inti hemm bżonn li tniżżel is-sewwieqa għall-bijometriċi l-apparat. Naturalment, l-aġġornament regolari ta'sewwieqa tal-pakkett jippermetti mhux biss biex itejbu l-karatteristiċi tas-sigurtà, iżda wkoll biex jottimizzaw il-sistema kollha kemm hi.


Popolari sewwieq tal-kategorija Biometric devices