Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Release of New Wide-Screen Monitor Dell UltraSharp

Dell starts shipping a new wide-screen PC monitor UltraSharp U2913WM. Australian customers are happy to be the first to see these new products in free sale at approximately $690. The model is based on 29-inch AH-IPS panel with display aspect ratio of 21:9. The screen itself is characterized by an antiglare coverage and power-saving LED lighting that embraces not less than 99% of sRGB color spacing. It should be mentioned that the manufacturer has succeeded in implementing high resolution standards in its UltraSharp monitor: 2560x1080 pixels.

Dell UltraSharp U2913WM features quite outstanding parameters which make the monitor a universal means as for corporate clients, so for home-based needs. AH-IPS panel response time equals to 8 ms with viewing angles achieving 178/178 (V/H) degrees. Color specifications ensure the maximal brightness of 300 nits, maximal static contrast of 1000:1, and dynamic contrast of 2000000:1.

The implemented set of interfaces can marvel even …

AMD Unveils Some Strategic Plans for 2013

Not so long ago AMD held a private presentation for investors and partners dedicated to the strategic plans for 2013. Its PDF-version has recently appeared online and immediately called attention of all interested parties. The most unexpected news concerned the long-awaited Steamroller micro-architecture. According to AMD, the debut of an advanced architecture will be accomplished in the current year, not in 2014 as it was informed earlier. Steamroller will be incorporated into an updated series of AMD Opteron server processors which are to ensure an improved efficiency level on parallel data processing operations.

The other promising piece of news touches upon the launch of a new APU series already this year: AMD Kabini and AMD Temash. Kabini is going to replace Brazos platform employed in small-sized multimedia systems and other hand portable solutions. In its turn, Temash is going to be implemented into highly-efficient tablet PCs, running under Windows 8 OS platform.
… …

PSU Enhance EPS-1780GA4 800W Review

EPS-1700 series consists of six PSU models of 600W-1200W power efficiency. All units, without exception, can boast the correspondence to 80Plus Gold standard and the usage of high-quality Japanese capacitors in their framework. The operating temperature range varies from 0 to 40 degrees, depending upon conditions. PSU model EPS-1780GA4 800W cannot boast unique design, but is totally ready to cope with all set tasks due to the implemented power, reliability and potential.

General Peculiarities

EPS-1780GA4 800W is delivered in a large cardbox realized in black and goldish colors. The latter is predominant on a package to comply with the demands of 80Plus Gold products. The model is characterized by a quite typical design with a black casing, a black fan, and a black ventilation grid. There are no arty-crafty elements or eye-catching add-ons, but it will definitely catch the fancy of minimalists and practical customers. All essential PSU parameters are indicated on a delivery …

Joysticks & Game devices, il-lista tal-manifatturi

Fuq din il-paġna tista'ssib il-lista tal-manifatturi Joysticks & Game devices-sewwieqa tista'tniżżel fuq il-websajt tagħna. Għall-aħjar tfittxija għal xierqa mutur barra mill 654963 disponibbli fid-database tagħna, agħżel il-manifattur ta tiegħek Joysticks & Game devices mill 25142 ppreżentati f'din it-taqsima.

DevID : : Joysticks & Game devices

- Logħob it-teknoloġija qed tevolvi malajr minn warajhom jogħġbok jkollhom il-ħin biex jadattaw għal dawn. Jissostitwixxi l-consoles bil-fili-sistema u l-primittivi ISEM grafika daħal apparat innovattiv bil-wireless-konnettività trakadol u 3D - grafika tidher fuq l-iskrins tal-monitors bi skrin wiesa fil-plażma u l-pannelli. Għall-komunikazzjoni bejn il-kap tal-unità u l-attachable apparat periferali iddeċieda li tniżżel is-sewwieqa għal-sistema u l-logħba adapters.

Islott adapters huma użati mill-itqal li testendi l-kapaċitajiet tal-consoles u tal-logħob online l-applikazzjonijiet. Dawn jippermettu li joħolqu r-relazzjonijiet bejn l-mezzi simili, li huwa apprezzat ħafna mill-itqal li jippreferu multi-logħob. Barra minn hekk, hemm speċjali adapters li jservu bħala dijagrammi tal-dħul/ħruġ-għan Ġenerali mal-multiplu ta'reżistenza u l-inputs diġitali.

Għandu jiġi enfasizzat li xi konvertituri jkunu jistgħu jsibu l-modi tal-tqabbil il-parametri bejn l-mezzi differenti. Per eżempju, illum fis-suq hemm adapters li jippermettu li jgħaqqdu search engine integrati fuq il-jikkontrolla - Pjattaforma360 biex jikkontrolla Tiffissa l - 3, u l-Viċi versa; f'dan il-każ l-atturi ma bżonn biex jidraw l-interface ġdida ta ' l-applikazzjoni. Li kien maħsub li dan ikun possibbli?!

Fl-aħħar nett, sabiex igawdu mill-benefiċċji kollha ta'gameplay-kontrolli mal-search engine integrati, mhuwiex neċessarju li jixtru l-utenti. Biss qabbad il-bogħod tiegħek PC u tniżżel l-sewwieqa aġġornata għall-sistema u l-logħba adapters. Għalhekk, inti tiffranka ruħek mill-ħela bla bżonn ta'żmien għall-settings u mill-ewwel issib ruħek fil-fun-realtà.


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