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Þekktur tæki: 165022367

Síðasta þekkta bílstjóri: 23.12.2020


Fractal Design Outs Core 2500 Enclosure

Fractal Design, a highly-acclaimed Swedish hardware manufacturer, announces the launch of mid-tower Core 2500 PC enclosure. The new-comer is ready to offer a unique combination of an austere design, an efficient cooling, a marvelous functionality, and an affordable price. The model is already on sale for the recommended by the manufacturer price tag of $59.90.

Fractal Design Core 2500 features totally black interior and exterior. Aluminum frontal panel is differentiated by a 3D grain-oriented coating. The enclosure is ready to welcome motherboards of ATX standard, as well as CPU coolers as high as 162 mm and graphics cards as long as 380 mm. Frontal and bottom perforated sites have got dust filters that prevent litter from shrinking into the components.

Besides, the internal layout of the case offers two vacant places for the installation of 5.25-inch drives, eight places for 3.5/2.5-inch drives (SSD/HDD), and seven PCI slots for expansion cards. It should be noted that …

Nvidia Gets Replenishment of 5 New Quadro Models

Nvidia proves to be successful not only in the development of visual solutions for home and corporate users but also for professionals. Its Quadro series of graphics cards is highly appreciated among designers, engineers and research circles, mainly due to unprecedented visual facilities. Therefore, the company has recently replenished the series with 5 new models – K420, K620, K2200, K4200, and K5200 – which are targeting hard-core PCs, servers and workstations.

Nvidia Quadro K420 and K620 are equipped with 2 GB of DDR3 memory, whereas K2200, K4200 and K5200 come with 4/8 GB of GDDR5 memory. All models have been developed hand-in-hand with the leading customers in various areas; this allowed the company to adjust performance characteristics to the specific needs of each customer. The list of facilities offered by new Quadro series involves the possibility:

— to work with data arrays and applications of huge volumes;

— to accelerate the operation of over 100 …

High-End PSU OCZ ZX 1000W Review

OCZ is a company that does not require special presentation due to the many-years' existence in PC hardware market. Its power supply units are well-known all around the world, and their variety is able to satisfy the needs of any customer. Currently the company's line of products is introduced by six series which belong to different targeted segments. PSU OCZ ZX 1000W belongs to the top-end solutions and provides top facilities for powerful PC systems. The top ZX series is also introduced by models of 850W and 1250W.

General Peculiarities

Power supply unit OCZ ZX 1000W features typical for all top models design. It has got black casing with outstanding goldish embedding. All vital parameters are indicated on the casing, including the maximal power index of 996W (83A) on +12VDC bus. The correlation of power on +12VDC bus and the overall PSU power approximates 0.996.

Cable System

This model employs modular cable system, according to which the cables are connected …

Hard disk controllers Yamaha, lista af gerðum

Veldu líkan af Hard disk controllers frá fyrirtæki Yamaha frá lista dali d gerðir fram á þessari síðu. Í gagnasafn okkar meira en dali d ökumenn sem þú getur sótt alveg frjáls.

Disknum stjórnandi er flókið tæki, minicomputer með eigin örgjörva, stjórna flís, RAM og ROM, SJÓNVARPI og að lesa gögn, tengi mát og staðsetningarkerfi. Það kynnir yfirleitt einn eða tvo tölvukubbar (í líkamlegu formi), lóðuð á Borð, og framkvæmd breyta aðgerðir í gögn flæði.

Margir nútíma diska eru einkennist af ýmsum ham, þar á meðal DMATveir, UltraDMA og PIO. Í því skyni að nýta þessar ham, það er mælt með því að þú sækja bílstjóri fyrir harður diskur okkur. Ham DMA (Bein Minni Aðgang) er gott því það gerir þér kleift að verulega að losa sig við CPU í TÖLVUNNI á gögn skipti starfsemi; þar sem stjórnandi er í beinu sambandi við tengi tölvuna. Ólíkt DMA, ham PIO notar CPU þegar flytja gögn í gegnum tengi, hins vegar, stjórnandi hefur beina aðgang að RAM.

Stundum OS ekki viðurkenna harður diskur stjórnandi, jafnvel þegar sett ökumenn. Ástæðan fyrir þetta getur verið eftirfarandi þætti:

  • vélræn skaða. Þegar slær eða fellur þætti innsigli má vansköpuð. Aflagast oftast verða að tengi eða samband á staðnum viðhengi brautir. Þegar minniháttar hve skemmdir, tækið er hægt að lagfæra, en líf þætti er miklu minni. Það er líka þess virði að íhuga þann möguleika verksmiðju galla einstök atriði;
  • rafmagns skaða. Árangur TÖLVU vélbúnaður er að mestu leyti á stöðugleika spenna petenera í kerfinu. Ef umfram, toppa eða mikil skera-af spennu og stöðurafmagns, vör aflgjafa hringrás, brautir vald eða í versta tilfelli, stjórnandi CPU er að brenna út. Oft vör eru ekki gera og þurfa skipti;
  • gamaldags bílstjóri harður diskur okkur. Þegar þú uppfærsla vélbúnaður í tölvunni (eða suma hluti) áður sett upp forrit krefst uppfærslur á að setja upp samband við OS.

Vinsæll bílstjóri flokki Hard disk controllers Yamaha