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Tuntud seadmed:165022367

Viimane teadaolev juht: 23.12.2020


New High-Performance Desktop PC Power Mega III from CyberPower PC

CyberPower PC, and American-based supplier of miscellaneous PC solutions, is delighted to present its fresh elaboration – high-performance desktop PC, codenamed Power Mega III. This PC might operate as a high-end computing system or a home multimedia center. According to the company’s designers, their creation is able to easily cope with video content production and editing, CAD/CAE applications processing, and 3D-video playback.

Power Mega III comes in several variations to meet the demands of diverse customer groups. Thereby, the system might come housed either in NZXT H630 or Thermaltake Urban S21 chassis, with Intel Haswell or Intel Xeon processors, and with Nvidia Quadro K or AMD FirePro professional graphics cards.

It should be noted that high-end desktop configurations involve two Xenon E5-2630 processors with the total of 24 cores. They are equipped with 32 GB RAM memory, supporting ECC technology, a pair of 120 GB solid-state drives, and a single 3 TB hard …

Dual-Range Wi-Fi Router Netgear WNDR4000 Review

Wireless Wi-Fi modules have become frequenters in home-based and corporate networks. With the augmentation of devices which require Internet connection the need for a solid router goes to the limelight. PCs, laptops, smartphones, tablets, and other devices can nowadays be found in the majority of homes, and only high-quality router is able to solve all network issues. Netgear has recently introduced a dual-range Wi-Fi router, codenamed WNDR4000, that is ready to cope with a bunch of devices. It supports Ethernet gigabit and 750 Mb Wi-Fi N.

Design and Layout

Router Netgear WNDR4000 has got quite attractive design. The casing is black, glossy and void of any sharp edges; the framework is chamfered and all the lines are smooth. The top part of the casing is a bit salient. The clipboard has got a silver padding to highlight the indicators; the latter are not usual round LEDs but more sophisticated items: figures and inscriptions are illuminated to provide for better visual …

ASRock Announces the Launch of High-End Motherboard X79 Extreme 11

ASRock press service has proudly announced the launch of a motherboard X79 Extreme 11 with prominent characteristics. According to the provided information, all motherboard tests have been successfully completed, and this allowed the manufacturer to give a go-ahead to the official release. This model is initially designated for the installation of Intel processors, basically of Sandy Bridge-E generation CPU for Socket LGA 2011. The motherboard is developed on the Intel X79 Express chip sets. X79 Extreme 11 is designed in CEB form-factor with the implementation of high-quality components, including Premium Gold Caps capacitors which are distinguished by the prolonged operational term.

Heat removal process is entrusted to a couple of radiators of different framework. One of the radiators is equipped with a compact fan. Power subsystem accommodates digital controller and is designed in correspondence with 24+2 phase algorithm. The key advantage of motherboard X79 Extreme 11 is the …

PCMCIA devices, tootjate nimekirja

Sellelt lehelt leiad nimekirja tootjate PCMCIA devices, autojuht, mille saab alla laadida meie kodulehelt. Parema otsingu sobiva draiveri 654963-saadaval meie andmebaasis valige tootja oma PCMCIA devices 25142 esitatakse käesolevas paragrahvis.

DevID : : PCMCIA devices

Erinevalt lauaarvutite rikkaliku sortimendi rehvide sisend/väljund, kaasaskantavad arvutid on minimaalsete võimalustega välisseadmete ühendamiseks. Sageli ehitatakse лэптопов, ультрабуков ja неттопов ei kuulu rohkem kui kolm-neli liidesed USB, sadamad, LPT, PS/2, COM võivad üldse puududa. Sarnane probleem on olemas ja paigaldamisega emaplaat laiendamine. Siiski on mobiilseadmete on trump – pesa PCMCIA.

Pesa PCMCIA – see on selline välisseadme liidese klassi laptop. See võimaldab teil laiendada funktsionaalsust arvuti kaudu ühilduvate riistvara komponendid, mille kohta on vaja alla laadida juht PCMCIA seadmeid. Peamised voorused on see liides – võimalus kuum ühenduse seadmeid (ühenduse töötavas arvutis) ja kiire teabe edastamine.

Standard PCMCIA on mitmeid sorte. Kõige levinum neist on 32-bitine versioon CardBustoetav töö sagedus kuni 33 Mhz ja juhtimisviisi rehviga. Antud versioon on ka realiseerida eriline tehnoloogia energiasäästu; see aktiveerib ühendatud seade on ainult vastavalt vajadusele.

Tuleb märkida, et kõik kaardid on pesa PCMCIA jagatud kolme liiki. Esimese tüübi hulka kuuluvad seadme paksus 3.3 mm ja 16-bitise liidesega; teine tüüp hõlmab kaardi paksus on 5 mm 16-/32-bitise liidesega, ja kolmas tüüp – kaardi paksus 10.5 mm sarnaste võimalustega kasutajaliidese. Paigaldada seost OS laptop on lisatud uutele seadmetele ja osa kasutavad eriline – juht PCMCIA seadmeid.


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